I was so surprised when I discovered that my Shiny Stat counter (see sidebar on the right) lets me know much more than how many visits FLY HIGH receives in a day or a week. I've recently discovered that they can tell me which country my visitors are from, if they arrived to my blog by search engines or directly, through other sites or searching keywords. For example ...
Isn't this an RA Friday post!?!
I bet you 're wondering where Richard is.
Ok, you're right. I agree.Now, just let's look more carefully at the first two pictures! If necessary , click on them to make them larger. They are - cut into two pieces - the list of keywords which led part of my January visitors to my blog . From January 1st to the 15th, I received 64 visits because someone searched for "Richard Armitage", 11 visits because others typed "Richard Armitage 2010" , 4 wrote "dum spiro spero" (one of Lucas North's tatoo) , 4 "Spooks 8", other 4 "Richard Armitage theatre 2010", 3 "Richard Armitage Spooks" ... Even Andrew Lincoln is a name somehow linked to RA: he will be Richard's rival, Hugh Collinson, in STRIKE BACK.
I am astonished, amazed, speechless. What can I say? Thank you Richard! I thought my readers were interested in my book and period drama reviews instead ... many of them dropped here by chance looking for ... YOU!!!
Well, such enthusiastic interest must be satisfied so I'll try to sum up, for all my interested readers, what has happened in the RA's blogoworld in the last days.

05.01. 2010 Heathdances uploaded another incredible new music clip matching Lucas North/Spooks and The Muse . SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen Spooks 8 yet...You'd better wait on for this little masterpiece. But if you don't mind spoilers, MAJOR SPOILERS, please , click and enjoy!

As for Spooks , again this great series is not going to win the National Television Awards next 20th January . I'm so disappointed. Angry. Look at the four candidates in the categories Drama Performance (Category 5 : no Richard!) and Drama (Category 9 : No Spooks?)
I have to try this. I did not realize our blogs showed up in search engines. I do not really like that since I blog about personal issues too.
Interesting to see what your readers are looking for...
I may have originally come for Richard, Maria, but I stayed for all your other goodies! Maybe it is no coincidence that RA lovers have lots of other interests in common?
What countries are most of your readers from?
Yes, if your blog is public, it can be reached from anybody searching for topics and people you write about. If you don't like this,you should make it personal and private and reachable only to people you invite.
I know, phylly, and I'm glad. Since I "met" Richard I met so many interesting people who share part or most of my interests! And very good friends too. So,again, I want to thank him for all the new experiences and richness he brought me. Not joking.
Countries, you ask.I'll tell you about January so far, but it's the general trend too.
1. The Usa 53.66%
2. Italy 12.20%
3. Canada 7.32%
4. The United Kingdom 7.32%
5. Australia 4.88%
6. Other (so many different others) 14.63%
I think it's wonderful and extraordinarily exciting to share one's interests, love and solidarity with so many different people . Thank you both for commenting!
LOL! Loved this post, MG! :)
Yes, probably RA is the reason why I first spotted your blog last summer, but since then I've found out we have so many interests - to say the least - in common that I can't but say thank you to him for having offered me the opportunity of meeting you :)
Thank you for the updates, though. ;-P
Santander's ad is great (Lewis WHO?), and I already have it in my MP3 player, but i believe that HeatRA's last LN video is a real masterpiece. I can't take my eyes off of it :-O
Just please, could you say in your post that it contains MAJOR spoilers for series 8? It wouldn't be fair for those who haven't watched it yet... thanks! :)
Have a nice weekend, my friend! *HUGS*
xx KB
As I told in my previous answer - read above - I'm glad and thanksful for everything that has happened to me since I discovered Richard and his online world. I've even found truly great friends like you!
Thanks for the suggestion about spoilers, I've immediately added a SPOILER ALERT in my post. check!
Thanks for becoming my follower! And, especially, my first follower on MY JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB.
I love your avatar, of course, the Beata Ludovica is always an impressive apparition. You can't imagine how much I laughed when I saw her among my followers! :o
Why didn't you use it for this comment? It would have been nice to see her in this space too! ;-)
Have a great weekend and THANKS, THANKS, THANKS!
Hi! I'm one of them dropped in your blog by looking for RA news...well, it was a nice discovery!!Now, I've the pleasure to read you almost every day!!
Thanks for letting me know and thanks for visiting so regularly. Cheers! MG
To start I have to complain that my stupid Firefox is not sending my comments! I hope this one reaches you! And you scared me with the pictures of the statistics! I study all those statistics of who, when, why, from where web surfers enter a website at uni, and, being on vacation, it reminded me that in March they will be back to my life! But anyway... So, sadly I'm in the 14.63% other... Shame on Brazilian people! Apparently I'm the only person who came to your blog not because of RA! At least so far. The first time I enter your blog was due to your post on Lights...Camera...History!, where you reviewed "Charlotte Gray" for the Period Drama Challenge. And I stayed because of everything you blog about. It is very interesting how so many people that like all I like also like RA, but obviuously I'm not going to complain about this! I loved the black and white picture of Lucas North! Now, this is not connected with anything, but I totally hate Santander. It is buying all the banks over the world! Here he came and already bought two! And I hate McLaren, because I support Ferrari, but anyway... But I almost forgive both this things because of their narrator's choice! It's so funny how he says Santander! Have a nice weekend!
Firefox doesn't send your messages? This one has got to destination. Guess what? While I was reading it 10 minutes ago, my laptop turned off suddenly and doesn't want to come back to life! All my things are there and this is my elder son 's computer, instead. Once he is back, forget it!
Anyhow, it's interesting to know how people got to my blog and astonishing to see that so many different people living in distant and different places like the same things and "people", especially those interested in period drama and classics. They happen to see N&S, and the Thornton effect is inescapable...
Do you think I am interested in Santander Bank business strategies or in ...Lewis ... who? Of course we support Ferrari, an Italian terrific F1 car with an excellent Brazilian driver! But above all we are enchanted by that voice - though I prefer when it pronounces more interesting words...A nice weekend to you, Luciana!
I just wanted to let you know that I read and enjoy all of your posts, RA-related or not. :) I haven't commented much lately because like Luciana, my computer has a hard time commenting on your blog for some reason! I don't know if it's because my computer is old and you have so many things on your sidebar that load... or if it's a firefox thing? Anyway, just know that I do follow along and love all of your thoughts and reviews. Phylly is right- so many of us RA fans share similar interests when it comes to books, movies, etc. A certain type of woman must be drawn to his work!
I am so glad I became a follower of your blogs earlier today before I discovered your RA Days. RA Days are the icing on the cake of course, but the blog is so interesting anyway. But how I laughed when I saw your blog stats. Ut was the same for me when I mentioned RA in passing a couple of weeks ago and included an image, my blog stats shot up and I pondered on Facebook if I could actually keep RA on a retainer. However I have almost run out of reasons to use his name and I hope that like your blog, those that have found mine will enjoy it for any reason, and not just for the fact that Mr. Armitage made a brief appearance. Very best wishes.
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