In order to properly close the year, I'd like to list all the books I read in English and reviewed in 2009. They are not so many, don't worry.
Well, actually there is one of these books I re-read in 2009 and, since I don't like cheating, I'm warning you. Can you guess which one it is ? One of my favourites ever... Who follows or reguarly visits my blog may guess. THE ANSWER ... AT THE END OF THIS POST!
I've also read books in Italian like David Grossman 's "A un cerbiatto somiglia il mio amore", Italo Calvino's "Lezioni Americane" , Marco Lodoli's "Il Rosso e il Blu" or Tiziano Scarpa's Stabat Mater.
Reading is an incredible experience and my only regret about it is ... I'd like to read much more. It's that I also love watching movies and period dramas as well as blogging so my little spare time must be divided among the three different activities... Then I also read much to prepare my lessons.Teaching literature, I usually have to study, revise, prepare notes or power point presentations for my classes. I often post this kind of materials on LEARNONLINE, which is my elder online "creature". (Those lovely creatures above on the right are NOT my students, but they are cute, aren't they?)
Now, I'd like to list the books in this post according to my rating: from the one I liked least (one of five stars) to the ones I loved (five of five stars) . I'll link them to my reviews on FLY HIGH, if you're interested and have not read them yet.

1. Sanditon Jane Austen's unfinished novel completed by Janette Shapiro, one of my tasks for the EVERYTHING AUSTEN CHALLENGE ( 1 of 5 stars)
2. Notes from a Small Island , Bill Bryson humorous travel book by an American living, working and travelling in Britain (3 of 5 stars)
3. Shirley , Charlotte Bronte's historical novel . Interesting but not as much as I expected. (3 of 5 stars)

7. The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Not my cup of tea but so impressive. Powerfully depressing. (4 of 5 stars)
8 . My beloved Mrs Gaskell. Her corageous novel Ruth was a great summer reading. (4 of 5 stars)
9. Anne Bronte's Agnes Grey. This year I've discovered that the youngest of the Brontes was greatly talented. (4 of 5 stars)
10. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - even better than her Agnes Grey - by Anne Bronte (4 of 5 stars)

11. When I read Nick Hornby I very often happen to laugh out loud. Even his Slam was such fun. (4 of 5 stars)
12. It was my first experience with an audiobook - but first I read the text since the recording was abridged- and my first Heyer's novel, Sylvester. (4 of 5 stars)
13. Jane Austen's Minor Works. I read the two fragments Sanditon and The Watsons as well as Lady Susan (4 of 5 stars)
14. Michelle Moran sent me an autographed copy of her wonderful CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER . I won it at Ms Lucy's Enchanted by Josephine and it was such a good reading! I've written about it HERE and HERE and HERE. (5 of 5 stars)

16. Mrs Gaskell's unfinished masterpiece, Wives and Daughters ( 5 of 5 stars )

18. Jane Austen.The World of Her Novels by Deirdre Le Faye is indispensable on an Austenite's bookshelf. Several of my posts on Fly High are indebted to this incredible rich source.
(5 of 5 stars)
19. Jane Greensmith, Intimations of Austen. My latest reading. 9 jewels of poetic prose. (5 of 5 stars)
20. And here is the answer to my question above. Did you guess? North and South by Mrs Gaskell was a re - read.
And now it's time to wish you all a splendid 2010 full of plenty of good books!
I guessed right! I knew it was N&S! By the way, it was the only book I re-read this year. I was looking my list of books read this year and felt very sorry that I read almost ten books less then last year! I hope you'll have a wonderful 2010!
Thanks, Luciana! We seem to have very much in common! Best wishes to you too for a splendid 2010!
I was commenting on One Literature Nut's blog and I was immediately attracted to the painting you use as your avatar....which led me to your blog. I am also an English teacher and I think we have very similar reading tastes (I have either read all the books you list here, or I have them on my TBR list).
I am so glad that I have discovered your blog on this last day of the year and I look forward to reading your posts in 2010.
Happy New Year!
Welcome! I'm so glad we've found each other. I had a rapid look at your book blog too, Molly, and it seems we share much. A very good 2010 to you!
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