Bill Bryson is considered a master of witty prose and indeed he made me amile more than once and laugh out loud even at some of his humorous anecdotes. He tells about his last trip around Britain before leaving his much-loved home in North Yorkshire, a sort of valedictory tour of the green and kindly island that had so long been his home. His aim was to take stock of the nation's public face and private parts and to analyse what precisely it was he loved so much about a country which had been home to him for so long.
A short excerpt from pp. 98-99 of 1995 edition:
"One of the charms of the British is that they have so little idea of their own virtues, and nowhere is this more true than with their happiness. You will laugh to hear me say it, but they are the haappiest people on earth. Honestly. Watch any two Britons in conversation and see how long it is before they smile or laugh over some joke or pleasantry. It won't be more than a few seconds. (...) I used to be puzzled by the curious British attitude to pleasure, and that tireless, dogged optimism of theirs that allowed them to attach an upbeat turn of phrase to direct inadequacies - 'well, it makes a change', 'mustn't grumble', 'you could do worse','it's not much, but it's cheap and cheerful', 'it's quite nice REALLY' - but gradually I came round to their way of thinking and my life has never been happier. I remember myself sitting in damp clothes in a cold café on a dreary seaside promenade and being presented a cup of tea and a teacake and going 'Oooh, lovely!', and I knew the process had started".
In 1999 NOTES FROM A SMALL ISLAND became a two-part TV travel programme. Bill Bryson went on the long tour narrated in the book again and commented the situations and the places reading pages from his books.
Have a look at this clip.
Tonight I'll start reading a new book, an essay about Jane Austen and her novels by DEIRDRE LE FAYE. My beloved Jane Austen and "The World of Her Novels" will be on my bedside table or in my bag for a while.
Now I must prepare my lessons for tomorrow. Have a nice afternoon and FLY HIGH!
Bill Bryson's video sums it up perfectly absolutely perfectly
ha ha so true.
When I bought the book, a review said Mr Bryson is a master of witty prose. Definitely true! I love his humour.
Have a nice long relaxing weekend, Mo! Enjoy London for us London-lovers abroad!
This is too weird - my next read is DEIRDRE LE FAYE's book - let me know if its any good! and I want to read Jane Austen's letters. There is a recent tv programme called lost in austen - you should look into it!!
@London Belle
Do you mean ITV 4-episode series? It's in my DVD collection, it's a brilliant idea to popularize Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice among nowadays watchers, I think. As for Le Faye's essay, just started last night. We can share opinions as soon as we finish it. It sounds extremely accurate, so far.Thanks for passing by!
Looks interesting, MG. Britain seen through the eyes of an American. Why not. I will add it to my list of books to be read. Thanks for recommending it! Ciao. A.
I've found your comment to be moderated in my dashboard and I click to publish it...IT DISAPPEARED INSTEAD! Anyway, It was very kind of you... I hadn't even finished reading it! Well...it's a mystery. I'm sorry!I'll wait for you again.I'd like to see your blog too. :)
Ciao, A.! Yes, Bryson is extremely witty and worth reading to have some fun, especially since you're a foreigner living in Britain just like him. Have a great weekend.
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