


ROBIN HOOD ON ITALIAN TV - Robin Hood series 2 is being repeated on one of our channels,  Rete 4. As much as I loved watching series 2 on DVD in the original version,  I simply hate watching it dubbed in Italian: unbearable, unnatural, even ridiculous at times. I know,  this  is something I have already discussed in one of my previous posts. Now, I'm sure you are wondering why  I can't simply resist rambling about it again or why I don't  just avoid turning the TV on  on Thursday night... well , ehm ... I 'm using my laptop to write blogposts and ... epp. 3 and 4 are on tonight. How can I ... Do you remember shirtless Guy and gasping Marian at Locksley Manor?  Moreover, you know, Robin Hood is the only  RA's work ever broadcast on Italian Tv... very little indeed, so ....
Only that to watch and listen to  RA's Guy speaking with a boysh voice - when speaking normally - or with a coarse voice - when shouting - is such a painful experience... where is that harsh-yeah-at-times-but-velvety voice? ...Better to play my DVDs!


Richard Armitage's Guy of Gisborne has inspired many Fan Fiction writers. You've met one  of them here on Fly High! a couple of weeks ago. Do you remember Charlotte Hawkins (Sarah Pawley) who talked with me about THE TEMPEST, her first published novel? (if you don't, check HERE)
Today, instead,  I've found a nice short  piece inspired by RA's Gisborne on line. Read it, it's a short  delightful one: THE SHERIFF'S COLLECTOR   by Prue Batten ( one of my lovely blogger mates who are also good writers) .
She starts:
With apologies to Guy of Gisborne, Cinderella and Richard Armitage.
(Prior to washing the kitchen floors today, I have had to get my tax-papers together and as with all mundane tasks, I tell myself a story whilst working. This is what eventuated.)

Read it on Mesmered's Blog.


  1. Thanks MG. As I said on my blog, this bit of fun/fan fiction goes part-way to paying you back for your lovely RA Fridays!

  2. Gorgeous Gizzy pics! :)
    I think it would be hilarious to watch Robin Hood dubbed in another language.

  3. I could not watch if someone else was doing their voices either.
    I will read the story soon, thanks for posting.
