


Is Mr Knightley a Mr Perfection meant to mild Emma's imperfections? Is he too perfect to be true? I personally like him very much for his temper and for his wisdom, for his kindness and his generousity. Impossible to find a Mr Knightley in real life? Well, who cares? We can find one each time we leaf through Jane Austen's Emma. Isn't this the reason why we love reading so much? Isn't it because we can find "recovery, escape and consolation"? And, especially, a Mr Knightley, a Mr Darcy, a Captain Wentworth ....


  1. I really must get around to reading the other Austen books soon! Only read P&P and S&S... shocking, I know! Mr. Knightley... ah, such a nice man! :)

  2. Well, maybe Mr K is too nice, too kind, too perfect... and I sort of can't stand his patronizing ways towards Emma - although it's just what she deserves, probably ;-)
    In fact, I prefer other less-than-perfect Austen 'heroes', like Mr Darcy and Mr wentworth!

  3. I love Emma, both book and character, she's a breath of fresh air in all Jane Austen's very well behaved ladies. She's intelligent and a bit silly at the same time and she really behaves like a young lady and she does not put up any pretence. I find Jane in P&P extremely boring and a bit pathetic too, Lizzy a bit of a know-all, while Emma is terribly exciting and naughty. Maybe I read the books too much with modern eyes....Enjoy your book club session. Ciao. A.
