


Since Strike Back finished we all felt rather ... orphaned... abandoned... what are we supposed to do now till Heyer's The Convenient Marriage read by Richard Armitage is released on 2nd August ? To wait and sigh! Moreover, we'll have to wait at least 5 months for Spooks 9 ! More waiting and sighing! Finally,  Richard's stage project as the rogue Willmore ( well, he didn't say it but I guess that will be  his role) ,  in Aphra Ben's Restoration Comedy The Rover,   has not been confirmed yet. Then,  how many of us will have the possibility to see him on stage if his project comes true?  Not all those that dream about it. More and more sighing!
So, what are we going to do?

Meanwhile , I've been reading and listening to  what Richard  told about future Spooks episodes. For example,  I'm desperate to know what he meant  in his May 4th GMTV interview when he said : " ... this season is all about identity, who these characters really are and Lucas is not who you thought he was... he's not like he thought he was (?!?) ... we sat down at a meeting and I went like UOT?!?! What you are talking about?!? It's all about peeling back layers and finding out who these people really are...yeah , big twists".
Someone told me there are some hypothesis brought forth by forums, sites and blogs but ... I have avoided rumours. I'm trying my own guess and my expectations are not that positive. I won't say much more about this until I see Series 9. I may be wrong and I'll be happy if I am. Spooks has been my favourite series for so long that I really hope they are not closing it and badly.

What else did Richard say about Spooks? Ah, yes! New woman, new troubles! Here she is (above) : Laila Rouass playing Maya, an exotic name for a stunning exotic beauty (gosh! how beautiful and glamorous she is!) .

There are some interesting bits about her in one of Richard's recent interviews, the one  on Digital Spy:

What's it like working with the new cast members like Laila Rouass?
"She's playing a character called Maya who is an old flame of Lucas's, possibly his first love, so that's been really interesting. She plays a doctor. We were shooting in a hospital on the South Bank the other day and it was like those Carlsberg adverts - if Carlsberg did hospitals, what the hospital would be like. It was super clean, and Laila Rouass walked down the corridor as a doctor and I was like, 'This is definitely a Carlsberg hospital'."
Lucas had a difficult relationship with Sarah Caulfield last series. Will that affect his ability to trust Maya?
"Yeah, I think he's had a string of quite disastrous love affairs. This one is particularly different and it's quite hard to tell you without revealing too much of the story but Lucas isn't quite who you think he is and she's part of that story, so there's a whole other character that's contained within Maya."

I  didn't get what Richard meant at first. Not living in England and not watching British ads for Carlsberg beer, I couldn't actually get what he meant. But as a tenacious MI5 agent,  I started investigating on line and found out and realized what he hinted at ... such a gorgeous doctor in a clean dream hospital ... if Carlsberg built hospitals they would be dream hospitals. So, he thought he was living in  a dream... well  Richard... got it! Clear as day! A little crush on her? Dirty hot thoughts? Understandable and you are forgiven, of course!
Now, if it is not exactly clear for any of you, here's  one of the ads Richard was thinking of while Doctor -Maya-Lucas's- first-love came toward him walking down a hospital corridor...

A dream house ... a dream hospital!
Now, what  can we expect from a woman like this? Troubles. Lots of trouble. And what about this amazing beauty's acting talent? Here's a sample from ITV Footballers's Wives in which she starred as Amber Gates . there's a whole other character that's contained within Maya. What might this mean? I've got a sensation but... But I'll stop here with my investigations and nuisances. Let's wait and see if any new clue can be found!

Do you feel like playing a game with me, now? Let's see if you can guess what Strike Back and Spooks have in common. (not RA starring in them, too easy!) Look at this quick and not at all perfect montage I made of two bits - one from SPOOKS 7 ep. 2 , the other from STRIKE BACK ep. 1- and listen carefully ...

Have you listened carefully? Have you noticed anything in common?
I did it at once when I first saw this scene between Collinson and Porter, maybe because I had seen the other scene, the one from Spooks 7 let's say ... more than once!
Enjoy your weekend! And by the way, what are you doing until The Convenient Marriage or Spooks  9 to feed your RA appetite?


  1. I think Laila is a great choice to join Spooks...I really liked her character in season 3 of Primeval!

  2. The Carlsberg adverts show some people doing a day-to-day thing and then it's like the most awesome thing ever. Difficult to explain. But it has the tagline of "Carlsberg doesn't do X, but if we did, it would probably be the best X in the world. Carlsberg - probably the best beer in the world." Like a party or something, and it's the most awesome party you could ever imagine, that sort of thing. :)

  3. What a treat to watch your film, Maria!! Am I allowed to give away the answer?? I picked it up straight away watching your film but didn't notice when watching SB.

    Here in Oz, we haven't even seen Spooks 8 and I'm told it won't be released until August. We are therefore suffering from "lackofRAitis" ... oops we're not! RH S3 is currently airing .. how could I forget !!?
    I think the lack of RA time onscreen now the initial excitement of SB is over is being refelcted on the RA boards and forums. That's why blogging is so much fun - what we don't get onscreen, we can make up forin our posting. :)

    Thanks also for clarifying the Carlsberg reference - I had no idea what he was talking about, either!!

  4. Should be an interesting Season 9!
    Interesting video! I figured out what they had in common but I had to play it twice to be sure. (That was not a hardship by any means!)
    Enjoyed this post very much!
    Great detective work finding that commercial. It's nice to understand RA's reference, I was certainly confused about it!

  5. I cant wait to see this. I had to wait for the Dvd

  6. Well, I haven't figure it out... :(

  7. I am into Episode four of Series Three of Robin Hood and thank heaven Guy of Gisborne has returned after being MIA with King John for 2 episodes. The story had ground to a farce and I wondered if I could stick it out but then G rode back into town and I was happy. At last we had dimension again. Although there was the faintest smidge of a really good potential sub-plot as Robin held Isabella's face in his hands and stroked her cheek with his thumb. Interesting twist, but I suspect it goes nowhere.
    Anyway Guy is back, although Richard Armitage as Guy does look suspiciously like Ser Niccolo de Fleury from the Masked Ball novella on Don't you think so, MG?

  8. Thanks for taking the time of reading and watching, you are always so kind! For those who guessed and know the solution of my little game (watch my video above Spooks/StrikeBack), thank you for not revealing. For the others, I 'm going to give you the answer in one of my next posts or better in my next RA Friday.
    And yes, Mesmered! Guy-series-3 does look like your Ser Niccolo de Fleury from your novella. I've seen all through series 3 and ... well... I'd like to know your thoughts once you get to the end. Mine are all over Fly High in my Guy -related posts .

  9. "For the others, I 'm going to give you the answer in one of my next posts or better in my next RA Friday."
    Meaning me...ok, I'll wait.

    OML (Ashamed of being so clueless!)

  10. I didn't get it either! RA totally distracted me! I watched the embedded version whereas in Vimeo you left a clue. Thanks for the post!
    And yes I started by watching the Impressionists first, followed by Sparkhouse rehashing all his works and audiobooks I haven't watched and listened to recently. Of course the Spooks 7 rewatch is perfect timing until The Convenient Marriage. I'll have to hold out for that even another 2 months after the August release as I prefer the iTunes version (one big audiofile w bookmarks) so hence Venetia is still new to me. Darn though I tell ya!

  11. Yep, now I tried to ignore the conversation and focused on the music, it's true SB quoted Spooks :D
