


The new year has just arrived and many of us in the blogoworld have already started planning and dreaming as well as  listing resolutions they already know they are going to have a hard time to keep to. As for me, personally,  no resolutions, no great plans, just some dreams I'm superstitiously keeping secret (shhhhh!) ... As for tonight, I only want to "wrap up" my holidays and get ready to go back to school tomorrow. So, what am I posting about? Mmmm, let's see... I thought I could introduce you some of the future events and challenges you'll find on Fly High in the next weeks.
1. Throwback Thursday – this is a weekly event hosted by Jenny at  Takemeaway.  It is the time each week to recognize those older books… an older book you’ve always wanted to read, or one that you have read and love; maybe one from your childhood; or review an older book , even a classic! My cup of tea! 


  • Hosted by Becky of Becky's Book Reviews
  • Minimum 2 books;
  • All of 2010
  • Overlaps with other challenges allowed.
    Read books written by women authors that were written and/or published between 1700 and 1900. Contemporary historical books set in this time period do not count towards this challenge! The challenge is to encourage you to read some classics.

Here is a place where you can get ideas, but be careful, the list includes some authors who won't count. (The site lists authors based on when they were born. So on the 1801-1900 list, for example, you might find women authors who were born in this time but didn't begin writing and publishing their books until the twentieth century.)

I've chosen :
19th century (1801-1900)
  • Emily Dickinson, Poems
  • Katherine Mansfield, Short Stories
  • Charlotte Bronte, Villette (also in the All About the Brontes Challenge)
18th century (1701-1800)
  • Anne Radcliffe,The Italian (1797)
  • Charlotte Smith, Elegiac Sonnets (1784-1800)

3. This challenge is for all those books you wish you'd read. It might be Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace, a Nora Roberts Romantic Suspense, the Outlander series or a childhood classic Winnie the Pooh. I have a very long list of books that I've been wanting to read , not  to mention the list of books I've added to it since I've been blogging. This is a great challenge for getting those TBR piles reduced. So, if you want, go have a look at what you might read and challenge yourself... As for me I've  chosen just some:

  • Chris Ryan, Strike Back (I wished I'd read this and ...I did it! It's my first task completed, very soon on Fly High!)

  • Georgette Heyer, Venetia (I've read just one of hers but I must read this one too)
  • David Lodge, Exchanging places ("You teach English, you must read this"!)
  • Anthony Trollope, An Old Man's Love (never read one of his novels)
  • Roberto Saviano, La Bellezza e l'Inferno (Beauty and Hell. I admire him, he is one of the bravest men I've ever heard about , we can be proud of him in Italy, but I haven't read any of his wrtitings yet)
I'm sure I'll add many more to this challenge and you'll be the first to know!
4. I've already started this challenge, ALL ABOUT THE BRONTES, reading and reviewing The Professor by Charlotte Bronte (HERE). My list of tasks is HERE or on the right side bar.

5. I also found this interesting blog  THE CLASSIC CIRCUIT which organizes tours of classic writers all around book blogs. I've joined the Edith Wharton Tour and I'll post about her The House of Mirth on January 15th.

6. I would also love to host guest posts to introduce the many interesting people I 've met in the blogosphere. I'd call this event MY BLOGGER BUDDIES: WOMEN, READERS, WRITERS & FRIENDS. Who wants to start being my first  guest? You could present your blog, work, books, poems,  or any other curious/interesting event you 're organizing (or even simply yourself!). If you are interested , write me. My e-mail address is on the right side-bar.


  1. WOW! What an interesting list of New Year's "resolutions", MG!
    Glad to see some "old friends" in your TBR list, and a mention of the 'Outlander series', too: I'm all astonishment! :-O
    Well, after some recent twists, I'm not *that* astonished anymore ;-P

  2. Eh eh I see we are going to have some challenges in common. :-)

    Do tell, did you like Strike Back? I'm not too fond of military stories so I guess I'll just watch the TV series. ;-)

    I can't wait for your comments on Heyer...

  3. @MrsKarenBlixen
    I'm glad you are glad! What about "some recent twists" of mine? I'm just trying to ... widen my horizons!:-O
    Did I like Strike Back? You'll very soon discover following my posts in the next few days ... I just can say I'm not at all fond of military stories but this one ... You should ask MrsKarenBlixen just above how I came to read it... ;-)

  4. Great post and what a lot of interesting challenges. I've joined a few myself, although none are really about classics. I look forward to follow your progress and will mail you during the weekend or next week.

  5. @Louise
    Thanks for commenting, Louise. I know you prefer other kind of readings and I too read also different things ( for instance, in my Wish I'd read this Challenge there are several books which are not classics ) .I'll wait for your mail, then!

  6. Wow! How many things for 2010! I wish I could enter in some of those challenges too, but so far on my blog I commited myself only with the Period Drama Challenge. Maybe after I finish it I'll enter another one. This year will be very hard for me as I'll get my undergraduate degree, so I'll have many many things at uni. But I hope I'll find a little time for me! Good luck with all your 2010 resolutions!

  7. MG!
    I am reading Strikeback right now, and so far am enjoying it. I received Georgette Heyer's "Venetia" as a Christmas gift from my kids, and it was a pleasure to read Heyer again. I hope our public library has a few more I can read!
    You have a very ambitious list! Right now I have Giller Prize winner Joseph Boyden's "Through Black Spruce" glaring accusingly at me (from my headboard)! I should have read it over the Christmas break, as I borrowed it from a friend but I read Venetia instead! I also have some short story books (written by a childhood friend) that I can't get into. (Luckily he doesn't know!):O

  8. Wow! I'm so impressed by all you are doing, Maria - will be especially interested to hear what you think of Charlotte Smith's sonnets, as I've read a couple of her novels lately,'Desmond', which I absolutely loved, and 'The Old Manor House', which took a long while to get going but I liked in the end. A belated Happy New Year from me.:)

  9. @Judy
    Happy 2010 to you, Judy! I'll try to keep up with all these tasks and challenges. Let's see what happens...I've got a whole year to complete them. Thanks for dropping by and commenting.
    BTW, Six night shifts? Poor you!
