


Five Questions to the Author

Hello and welcome to FLY HIGH, Colleen.  My first question for you is ... How did you do research for "Through a Broken Heart?

This book was written primarily from my own journey and education. My education which includes a Master’s in Clinical Counseling, has helped me to understand why people think and act the way they do, why they repeat patterns – like dating the same type of guy over and over again or why they avoid relationships all together.

However, it was my own journey through a breakup (several over the years) that allowed me to know what scriptures to use and what content to write – many of the scriptures in Through A Broken Heart come from own my own scripture cards that I would take to the beach and pray through. I know what many of my readers are thinking and feeling because I have been there too!

Where do you get inspiration for your daily content?

The inspiration for my daily content came from my own lessons learned when I was healing from a couple of devastating heart breaks. I am an avid reader and would read just about everything I could get my hands on if I felt it would give me the “cure.” My education and training in clinical counseling helped give me a different perspective or lens because I was able to piece together the “why” – “why” I was acting the way I was, why I seemed to keep repeating the same patterns over and over again or why I felt so “down” all the time – like something was missing. The content reflects what the Lord taught me through the scriptures I included when I was healing. It is my hope that it helps other women too.

What advice would you give budding writers?

Keep writing – even when it gets hard. Writing is probably the most difficult thing I do. It forces you to organize your thoughts and to think through arguments you may have assumed to be true – but perhaps couldn’t defend if pushed to. Writing is as much for you as it is your readers, perhaps even more so. Nothing you write – even if you think it’s bad, is a waste.

How long have you been writing?

I have been writing for years, but really got serious in 2011 when I hired a writing coach, but what I wasn’t expecting was how vulnerable the process was! I have written thousands of words, I even have two written books (in draft form) that sit on my lap top. I could write, but truthfully, I was to scared to publish.

The first draft of Through A Broken Heart was completed in 2015 – it’s not an exaggeration when I say it took me 4 days to write, 3 years to edit. The raw honest truth is that I had to tackle my insecurities and feelings of inadequacy before I finally had the courage to make my writing public through this book and through my website.

Do you write every day?

I write most days, but not every day. My husband and I usually take either Saturday or Sunday (depending on the week) and make it “our day” where we take time to just hang out and do nothing. He owns his own moving company which demands a lot of his time. He and I trying to align our schedules can be challenging – so this one day is our way of saying – “hey, we’re busy but you’re still my priority. No matter what needs to get done, it can wait.” It’s usually something simple, like this week, we binge watched a spin-off of an 80’s classic “The Karate Kid”, “Cobra Kai” on YouTube and grilled on the BBQ.

Book Details 

Book Title: Through a Broken Heart: Finding Hope and Healing After a Breakup
Author: Colleen Meissner
Category: Adult Non-Fiction, 144 pages
Genre: Christian non-fiction, self-help, devotional
Publisher: A Book's Mind
Release date: April 19, 2018
Tour dates: June 18 to July 13, 2018
Content Rating: PG-13

Book Description

Dear Broken Heart ~

You must be hurting deeply. Perhaps you're also feeling overwhelmed and completely alone in this place of emptiness and grief. I’ve been where you are and my heart aches with yours. I want you to know there is someone who sees and someone who cares. His name is Jesus. The journey right now is dark and painful, but if you will travel with me using God’s word as our guide, it will eventually lead to a place of hope and restoration. A destination where God’s love ushers you into wholeness. Where His healing hand won’t just repair your shattered soul, but will establish you in the truth that you are deeply loved and understood. In contrast to your current sorrow, this may seem too good to be true. I get that, I’ve been there. At this point, I’m only asking you to trust that He is able. I invite you to spend these next six weeks at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to enter into your wounded heart through this very place of brokenness. Will you give Him permission to transform you in a way that far exceeds your own expectations?

~ Colleen Meissner Married for the first time at 42. Colleen knows firsthand the pain of heartbreak, being single longer than expected, and the battle against fear and insecurity. She holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and has spent over 10 years sharing her own experience and knowledge as a coach and mentor. She now has a vision to share the wisdom she’s been given with you.

To follow the tour, please visit Colleen Meissner's page on iRead Book Tours.

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Meet the Author 

I earned a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Azusa Pacific University in 2010 and have been mentoring women for over a decade. The most common area of counsel I provide is to single women not ashamed to admit they want to be married and have someone to share their life with. These women often without realizing it, are battling soul wounds (emotional and heart wounds) from their past that are preventing them from fulfilling this deeply held desire of marriage and family.

I consider there to be no greater privilege than to have women trust me with their deepest struggles and fears and to travel along side of them on their journey from a place of being held in bondage by lies (“I am fat, ugly, a loser, unlovable…”) to a place of freedom and victory. I know this journey well, I have traveled it; it is hard and it is long, and you cannot do it alone. There are seemingly impossible hills to climb, valleys to crawl out of and side-roads leading to nowhere. Perhaps more than a mentor, I am a tour-guide, leading you as you navigate your way to healing and overcoming those things that have kept you from embracing the fullness of life that the Lord came to give you (John 10:10).

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest

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Ends July 21, 2018

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