


Hello and welcome to FLY HIGH, Flavia! My first question for you is, where do you get inspiration for your stories? 
     A kernel of truth often develops into something more: something will happen to me in my everyday life, and when I go to write it down, it takes on its own shape. For example, one of my favorite short stories in All the Way to Italy came from a walk in the woods during the summer and the sound of katydids. From there came the story What Sings in the Night!

Do you write every day?

I’d love to say yes, but the truth is, everyday life very often gets in the way of writing every day! I find that there are days (especially when traveling, or in a new place) when ideas and thoughts demand to be written down almost constantly, and that’s one of the reasons I carry a notebook around with me everywhere I go. But there are stretches of time when the inspiration is much less present, and I try not to force it—or else it would stop being fun!

In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper? 

This ties in well with the previous question—the truth is, I have a very real obsession with notebooks and pens. I adore picking out new ones, and I always have a notebook with me, and usually also a pen with crazy-colored ink. I jot down random sentences or thoughts that I can then go back and flesh out properly, and that’s usually when a laptop comes in handy!

 If you could go back in time, where would you go?

I have to say Ancient Rome here, right?! I actually think it’s certain people in time I’d want to meet, especially extraordinary women throughout history like Boadicea, Hatshepsut, Hedy Lamarr, Murasaki Shikibu (who published the world’s first novel!)—the list goes on!

Do you have another profession besides writing?

I do indeed! In my “day life”, I work for an international humanitarian organization. I used to think that this had nothing to do with my writing, but in truth, it’s allowed me to travel, see places, and live in cultures that I possibly otherwise wouldn’t have run into, and that has been the source of a lot of inspiration (and the urge to write about transnationalism!).

Thank you, Flavia, that's all. Good luck with your writing and travelling! 


Until her dad died, Little considered herself a Californian. Now, thanks to half a letter, a symbol she can't quite remember, and writer's block, she finds herself back in Italy, the country of her birth. In a headlong rush to return to her beloved San Francisco, Little will travel throughout Italy, enlisting the help of the aunt who raised her, friends old and new, and the country itself, in her search for the answers she needs.

This is the powerful story of those in search of a balance between wanderlust and the necessity to come home, a reminder that although we may be fragments, we are never a lost cause. 

Born just outside of Rome, Flavia Brunetti grew up bouncing back and forth between Italy and California, eventually moving back to the Eternal City and confirming her lifelong commitment to real gelato. Flavia holds a Master of Arts degree in Government and Politics from St. John’s University and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from John Cabot University. Today she travels the world working for an international humanitarian organization and spends her free time writing and wandering around her beloved Roma in constant search of bookstores and the perfect espresso. You can find her city blog on Rome at and her portfolio of published writing at

Connect with Flavia  


  1. This story sounds fascinating with that character going back and forth between countries.

    Like the author, I, too, have a B.A. in Political Science.


  2. How to balance the wanderlust with the pull of home is the question.
