


Emun Elliott and Joanna Vanderham as Moray and Denise - Series 1

You know I really loved this series, more than Downton Abbey and - though I am enjoying watching it at present- more than Mr Selfridge. It is because I got to really care for Denise and her Mr Moray. While I actually have no favourites in Downton Abbey or Mr Selfridge.
Denise and Moray. We left them like this (see the picture above) at the end of series 1 of The Paradise

Denise and Moray in seventh heaven, ready to defy the entire world, well, especially the Glendennings who we knew were waiting for John Moray at church for his wedding with Katherine. 

That final gratification seemed rushed to me and I had a strange feeling: it was too  soon,  too  weird after the long scene in which Denise tried to convince John that he couldn't renounce everything for her because  he would lose what he had fought for, he would risk not only his own future but also that of the many people working for him.

So I started thinking that that was just a fake happy ending. Something like, Denise daydreaming the final kissing scene while John was leaving the place in his carriage heading to his own wedding with Katherine. Or Moray wishing for that to happen before eventually makung his real choice. I guessed that would be a good start for a very painful season 2, with the two lovers coping with separate lives, pining for each other and  lots of twists and turns.

Look at the still below. It has been posted tonight on facebook and it has made me think of a first still from the series 2 I have figured out in my mind. It may well be. Apparently Moray and Katherine are wearing very elegant clothes at a party. If this were a picture from the upcoming series, wouldn't  they look like a not-very-happily-married couple? 

I can't wait to discover if my conjectures are true or not but September 2013 is still far to come. 

Love triangle apart, I'd love to see more of Mr Dudley, with something romantic in the new story line involving him. Maybe the writers will give him the chance,  I'm sure he'll fit the romantic hero I dreamt about. Ok. I'd better stop now or I'll start writing my very own The Paradise series 2. If BBC writers need any help, please let them contact me. I'll be glad to help, I 've got plenty of ideas for Mr Moray's and Mr Dudley's  next adventures. 

 What do you expect from the new episodes of the Paradise?


  1. Ciao, la foto di loro due vestiti eleganti non è della seconda stagione (di cui l'inizio riprese è previsto per Aprile, se non sbaglio). Mi ricordavo la scena e ho controllato: è della seconda puntata della prima stagione, quella in cui c'è l'amica di Katherine, Jocelyn, infatti nella foto Moray guarda verso Jocelyn, mentre parlano di lei. Quanto al seguito, sicuramente mi aspetto qualcosa che rovini il bel finale con cui ci hanno lasciato, ma spero non arrivino mai ai livelli di Downton Abbey. In fondo The Paradise ha sempre avuto un tono più leggero, e l'ho amato anche per questo.

  2. I think you're right - why was Denise outside in the final scene? She wouldn't be permitted to loiter outside on a working day. I think it was Moray's fantasy - frantically searching for Denise and finding her outside away from everyone's eyes. They'll start series 2 with him getting up and going to church.... such a long wait for me though. We don't get even series 1 played in Canada, I usually by a dvd from amazon Uk which will be out sometime in December...:(

  3. Mi ricordo anch'io della scena in questione della prima serie, da cui è tratta quella foto.
    Le tue ipotesi sul finale sono molto interessanti, ma io da romanticona, spero che davvero Moray, "nella realtà" abbia scelto Denise senza pensare alla conseguenze "economiche" del suo gesto.
    Mi aspetto una seconda serie con tanti ostacoli per la nostra coppia, ma la mia speranza è che, almeno nella finzione, sia l'amore a vincere.
    Se Moray sposasse Miss G. per Denise, non ci sarebbe più posto al Paradise e non credo ci sarebbero occasioni per incontrarsi.
    Denise non farebbe mai l'amante clandestina... "Vedrai i miei occhi che ti cercano e lo saprai, lo sapremo sempre" e Moray sarebbe vincolato a una donna che non ama (come probabilmente accadde con la prima moglie).
    Non vedo uno sviluppo della seconda serie con queste condizioni.
    Come ho scritto in amo i lieto fine

  4. I think I read somewhere that Moray will make his choice in the final episode of series one. There is always the chance he could change his mind now that we will have a series two. I think they will be together, but will have to be secret sweethearts and keep meeting after the store closes and outside of the store. I do not want him to marry Katherine. Getting out of a difficult marriage was very difficult back then and Lord Glendenning is a clever.

  5. I think Morey made his choice and that was Denise. then i think we will have an opening scene with katherine throwing a tantrum because he does not show up. I think then katherine will try to ruin Morey but Morey and Denise will work hard on the store together ( her bright ideas)

  6. I think Morey made his choice and that was Denise. then i think we will have an opening scene with katherine throwing a tantrum because he does not show up. I think then katherine will try to ruin Morey but Morey and Denise will work hard on the store together ( her bright ideas)

  7. I would find that beginning very annoying... like a proper 'Soap' where the viewers get taken for a ride... hopefully the story will keep the ending as it 'really' happened and have a real storyline to make series 2, otherwise they really have have no business being in the business... when does series 2 begin in 2013 anyway?

  8. The new series is to be broadcast from September 2013. They will start shooting soon, in April.

  9. Hi Maria, I thought Katherine wore that dress at a dinner party at her home. Didnt she then go one to have a freindship with view to marry with he guy from the childrens home who knew so much about plants??? I may be wrong but Im sure I remember that dress.

    Bronwyn - Australia.

    1. I watched the series the other day and this scene with that dress is in the second episode when glendenings friend comes over and buys loads of clothes

  10. I just hope it starts with that horrible Catherine being left at the altar - I want to see her face when she realises her scheming has finally failed!!=)

  11. OOOOhhhh,it's so exciting,isn't it?! I justlove the paradise. I think it was a daydream, but then standing at the alter moray realises what hereally wants and runs out, leaving series two focussing on the glendenningstrying to destroy the Paradise. Fingers crossed the wedding doesn't go ahead anyway.

  12. Of course, Moray marries Katherine and I think it is obvious he is rushing to see Denise before the wedding. We see them kiss to end the season. Season 2 will begin after the wedding and we'll still have star-crossed lovers.

  13. I loved the way it ended! I am so relieved he ran to her, and I don't have to wait till September to see it, I pray they don't change it otherwise it is exactly the same sort of story as all the others, I think season two will be Katherine trying to get him back.

  14. I absolutely adore this show! I agree, I thought the ending of Season One was too rushed - I was kind of expecting something more romantic if Moray chooses Denise. Like he gets married but Denise turns up at the altar, or if he doesn't get married and professes his love for her all alone with her...I don't know. As for the photo from Season 2, I don't think they're married - Moray has no ring on. I can't wait for Season 2, but there's still 3 months to go!! Ahhh! I love it so much!

  15. I love this program. Well done BBC . I wish they will make more programs like this one, Normal, simple good old fashion with a sweet love story and a happy ending. we are sick and tiered from the twisted, gory , mentally distorted programs that are taking over the TV net lately. Not to mention endless cooking shows and boring competitions. Well done BBC keep up the good work.

  16. Hello !

    I too am looking forward to watching the second series !

    I do agree with you for the ending.
    It felt so fast, so soon. Their relationship was too "easily" fixed, not that i disagree with that, in the end they would be together, but it's too soon, we need more anguish, more forbidden love, more love tension like in the season 1, more secret looks in the eyes and more "Mr Moray, sir" ;)

  17. I loved this series, made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I think the second season will see Katherine Glendenning still obsessing about Moray, even though she may marry someone else, or if not obsessing over Moray, moreover the whole affair and that she was left at the altar, upstaged by a 'shopgirl' no less. I think this will be a parallel story to the business of the Paradise Store itself and the politics and finances of it's branching out. I look forward to seeing it.

  18. In the book "Au Bonheur des Dames" (Ladies' Delight) that the series "The Paradise is based on so married Octave Mouret (Moray) to Denise. So I hope they are honest with the book and follows the story there.

  19. I too loved this show , esp. as it was set in the North East instead of France , I too grow to care about the characters but I have to disagree with your thoughts on the ending, I took it to be they had both decided there was no future together because of status , but that they both loved each other in spite of that? I came away thinking he will still marry....:/

  20. Peter Adler is the best thing to happen to Katherine Glenddenning. He is the right sort of guy for her. From experience, I know it's a mess to end up with the wrong sort.

  21. Agree that Peter Adler is the best thing for Katherine. But, don't think Mark Bonnar, the actor who plays Peter, will be returning in season 2. He is busy with other acting jobs. He may have only agreed to do a few episodes in The Paradise.

    Ya, the books (There are several that mention Moray (Mouret.) has Moray and Denise married with two children, a sickly daughter and a son.

  22. I am heart broken that the Paradise ended last night, can anyone tell me when it will air again for season 2 in the states?

  23. It's already on YouTube !!!!! Not sure if I want to watch it yet! So tempting....... I have ordered a DVD from Amazon Season one. Such a beautiful show!!!!!

  24. Think the Paradise is classic Masterpiece. Wonderful characters, sets,clothing, acting and music. Welcomed because Downton Abbey is getting a little stretched out. I'm hoping that the production crew (who worked 5 months in the north of England for season two this past spring and summer 2013, managed to fit in a season 3 at the same time. Just hoping the viewership in Britain held up so that this can last similar to Lark Rise to Candleford (four seasons).

  25. I haven't even heard of this one! I need something to cure my Downton Abbey and Sherlock withdrawals, and Selfridge just isn't cutting it. I'll check this one out. :)

  26. Petition to renew The Paradise.

    We in the USA are still waiting to see season 2. What's up with that?

  27. I really love The Paradise I can't believe there is no more been made .:(
    Why why its fantastic show I was looking forward to it

  28. She wore that dress at a dinner party at her home. Season 1, episode 2. I hope Moray ends up with Denise.

  29. I've never heard of this series! I wonder if I can get it on DVD through Netflix! I'm watching a Downton Abbey marathon right now, and would love to have something else to watch like it.
