


Happy Valentine's Day,

everyone.  Joy and love to all of you, who are in love with someone or in love with  the idea of love! With or without a boy/girl - friend, a passionate love affair, a loyal partner or a special one,  this is the right day to dream about romance and love. Regardless our age, gender, status. Ready to play with me? There are gifts for those who accept to take part in this game. Books to swoon over and heroes/heroines to dream about.

Choose your ideal Valentine and win an e-book 

To be one of the two winners, you'll have to choose your dream Valentine  and share your choice with us in the comments. Tell us who he/she is and why you'd ask (or have asked!) him/her to be your Valentine. You can choose a real person, someone you are a fan of, characters you love from movies or books. This post is part of  "For the Love of Swoon Hop" hosted by The Book Hookup & I Am a Reader Not A Writer. The prizes you'll find in this giveaway contest or visiting the other blogs in the list below are YA  books or gift cards to buy items of this genre. Take your chances in the rafflecopter form below and then hop to as many blogs as you can from the list.

Here are my suggestions for a YA-style Valentine 

1. Dangerous Heartthrobe - Jayce Wayland  (from Cassandra Clare's City of Bones)

He's 17, a Nephilim, human with angel blood in his veins, a skillful Shadowhunter, that is a warrior who kills demons. The archetypal Byronic hero, Jace gives the impression of holding most people in disdain but is quite chivalrous toward women. He is extremely arrogant, believing himself to be "the best Shadowhunter" and to be above others. He can also be very sarcastic if he wants to be and is shown to be very confident about his looks and has dated a lot of girls, with Aline stating that he "gets around." His charisma, good looks, and charm have made him quite the ladies' man, and he is implied to be somewhat promiscuous among girls. Despite his luck with girls, he never forms emotional attachments for more than a brief amount of time, if at all, because of the way Valentine had taught him that "to love is to destroy." And that love, therefore, makes a person weak. (Jace is Jamie Campbell Bower in the upcoming film The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones)

2. Best Friend secretly in love for ages - Simon Lewis ( (from Cassandra Clare's City of Bones)

He is 16, from a Jewish family, cute, hilarious, nerdy, loyal, reassuring, selfless, reliable. Loves music and videogames, but above all loves Clary, his best friend , more than everything and everyone else in the world. His life is radically changed once he decided to help her in her quest: in one of their adventures he is turned into a vampire, a very special one, an unaware-of-being-sexy and bit awkward vampire. He will never blame Clary for what happened to him and will be always there for her. (Simon is Robert Sheehan in the upcoming movie The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones

3. Ethan Wate from Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl 

If he really existed you might want to ... hate him! He is smart, handsome, successful. He excels at almost anything. He is a dreamer, he loves reading, he is very good at school, at basketball, at sign language and pottery. He hasn't got magic powers but ...does he really need them? (Ethan Wate is Alden Ehrenreich in the just released  movie , Beautiful Creatures)

If I had to choose my ideal Valentine among these three YA fiction characters, I'd be really torn . They are all so intriguing, charming, romantic and well-written. If you are a YA fiction reader, you'll probably know them very well and already have your best favourite.  And, of course,  if you can't have one of them as your personal Valentine for today, you know where you can find all of them, alive and k..issing:  in the pages of the sagas they belong to: The Mortal Intruments  and Beautiful  Creatures. Haven't you read them yet? These incredibly successful books have been adapted for the silver screen and  the movies are both coming out in 2013, one just these days (Beautiful Creatures)  and the other one in August 2013 (City of Bones) . If you haven't read them, it's time to start in order to get ready to enjoy the films thouroughly and to meet the three young gentlemen above!

And here are my gifts for the giveaway open internationally  ( two winners ):

1. The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones e-book 1 in Cassandra Clare's saga (kindle edition)
2. Beautiful Creatures  e-book 1 in Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (kindle edition)
Choose your title and ... good luck! Deadline February 20th


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I can't choose, I can't! You can't make me! Okay, maybe you can. But I won't go quietly! (will come back after considerable consideration.)

  2. I can't choose, I can't! You can't make me!

  3. I really can't understand why you can't choose,@Dorothy and @laurie. As I wrote in the post above, you can choose a real person, someone you are a fan of, characters you love from movies or books...It's completely up to you. Then, you didn't choose which book you would like to win. Is it the same for you?

  4. I actually don't have a valentine this year! But i would choose Beautiful creatures :)

  5. My favorite swoony literary hero is Mr Darcy but I'm sure he's very happy with Elizabeth and wouldn't want to be my Valentine. I've been wanting to see the Beautiful Creatures movie and that book would be my choice.

  6. Oh gosh, pick a Valentine? Impossible.

    Though, I'd pick Beautiful Creatures because I've already read Mortal Instruments, but haven't read beautiful creatures.

  7. I choose Jonny Lee Miller from Elementary on CBS. Not only does he have that HOT British accent, he also dresses cool, is SUPER intelligent, is very sensitive and has a great body;)

    For the book, I would choose Beautiful Creatures!!

    cc_clubbs [at] yahoo [dot] com

  8. I think Cindi has a point - love Elementary!

  9. I love Po from Graceling.
    I would choose Beautiful Creatures.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  10. Um I think Ramsey from the Avoiding series for way too many reasons to name

    and I would like Beautiful Creatures.


  11. I would ask Cricket Bell to be my valentine. He is so smart, sweet and very very handsome. I would happily spend an entire day with him on the streets of San Francisco!

    As for the book, I would pick Beautiful Creatures, thanks!

  12. My book valentine can be Will Cooper from Slammed. I bet he'd write me a heart-melting valentine's poem. For the book, I'd choose Beautiful Creatures. Thanks!

  13. Shemar Moore from Criminal Minds. So hot. Would love to finally have city of bones.

  14. I'm going to be boring and say my husband despite my many book boyfriends:) Thanks!

  15. I'd choose Rhage from the Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward to be my Valentine! So much swoony-ness wrapped up in one hot package!!

    I'd love to win Beautiful Creatures, thanks!

  16. My Valentine is Noah from Pushing the Limits and my pick is City of Bones :)

  17. I'd choose any of my favorite swoon-worthy book bad boys (Tristan Archer, #1 on my list). :) I would love to read Beautiful Creatures.

  18. Ahh i have soo many!!! maybe Vishous from the BDB. He's just damn sexy!
    I'd choose City of Bones. :) I just finished reading Beautiful Creatures.

  19. Captain Frederick Wentworth of Persuasion fame.. ahhh! the perfection of a Valentine. Why? well besides his fab looks, willingness to wait for the woman of his lifelong love, he has an amazing knack at writing LOVE LETTERS!!
