


There will probably be real life challenges for everyone in 2013. Life is made up of a series of trials we must overcome and in such a competitive world those trials may well be considered challenges. However, the challenges I'm inviting you to take part in are quite pleasant events with very little competion in them. You are invited to challenge yourself  to read as many books as you can. Ready to join the fun?

2013 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

This challenge is hosted at Historical Tapestry

Here are the details:

Each month, a new post dedicated to the HF Challenge will be created. To participate, you only have to follow the rules:

  • everyone can participate, even those who don't have a blog (you can add your book title and thoughts in the comment section if you wish)
  • add the link(s) of your review(s) including your name and book title to the Mister Linky they’ll be adding to their monthly post (please, do not add your blog link, but the correct address that will guide us directly to your review)
  • any kind of historical fiction is accepted (HF fantasy, HF young adult,...)
During these following 12 months you can choose one of the different reading levels: 

- 20th century reader - 2 books
- Victorian reader - 5 books
- Renaissance Reader - 10 books
- Medieval - 15 books
- Ancient History - 25+ books

You can tailor the challenge to suit you in whichever way you like! To join the challenge click HERE. It runs from 1 January to 31 December 2013.

The Regency Romance Reading Challenge Review 

The Regency Romance Reading Challenge 2013 features author Candice Hern and is hosted at Austenprose   Candice Hern writes witty and romantic traditional Regency romance novels with endearing heroines and swoon-worthy heroes highlighted by incredible historical accuracy. If you enjoyed any of Georgette Heyer’s great romance novels or laughed along with Lauren Willig’s characters in the Pink Carnation series, Laurel Ann at Austenprose highly recommends joining in the challenge—affording you the perfect opportunity to discover Ms. Hern’s great novels and short stories along with other Janeites, historical fiction and Regency romance lovers.
Time-line: The Regency Romance Reading Challenge runs January 1, through September 30, 2013.
Levels of participation: Neophyte: 1 – 2 novels & short stories, Disciple 3 – 5 novels & short stories, Aficionada 6 – 9 novels & short stories.
Discover more and join the challenge HERE

The Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Challenge 2013

This challenge is also hosted at Austenprose. We bloggers fond of Jane Austen and her work had a fabulous year in 2011 celebrating Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility bicentenary, now it is time to celebrate Pride and Prejudice, published in January 1813. If you have not read Jane Austen’s masterpiece (or would like to revisit it in honour of its special anniversary), seen all of the movies, or read all of the sequels and spinoffs, this is the year to join the challenge along with other Janeites, historical fiction, Regency romance, and period drama movie lovers.

Challenge Details

Time-line: The Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Challenge 2013 runs January 1, through December 31, 2013.
Levels of participation: Neophyte: 1 – 4 selections, Disciple: 5 – 8 selections, Aficionada: 9 – 12 selections.
CLICK HERE to join this challenge

Contemporary Reading Challenge 2013

This challenge has been proposed by  The Book Vixen and , if you like moden romance fiction, it is perfect for you.
  • Runs January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 (books read prior to 1/1/2013 do not count towards the challenge). You can join at anytime. Sign up and discover more on The Book Vixen’s blog.
  • The goal is to read at least 10 contemporary romance novels
There are challenges for all tastes, I can assure you, out there. Just google "reading challenge 2013" and you'll realize. These ones above are just 4 challenges that appeal to mine own tastes.  Just a little advice: challenges are a great temptation if you are a fond reader, they can be very stimulating if you are a bit lazy or slow, but they can also turn reading into a stressful activity. Choose the right one/s for you and , remember, to look for pleasure and escape in books. Don't let a pleasurable hobby turn into a nightmarish task you do under pressure. Happy reading to you all!


  1. I'm already signed up for the Historical Tapestry and the Pride and Prejudice challenge. It will be fun.

  2. Great! You are a daring girl, Sophia Rose. Enjoy the fun :-)

  3. So glad to have you on board for the Historical Fiction challenge again this year! I hope you enjoy it!
