


This post is part of the Spooktakular Giveaway Hop hosted at I Am A Reader Not a Writer and at The Diary of a Bookworm. Welcome to the creepiest giveway contest of the year which will go on till Halloween. Leave your comment below this post and choose your options in the rafflecopter form at the end of the interview. Only one option  is mandatory: become a follower if you are not already one! All the others are optional but will give you more chances to win. So, get all your chances to receive a free signed paperback copy of  Dhariya ~ Prelude To A Dark Legacy by Karelleyn  Brae Wade. Moreover,  don't forget to browse through the list of blogs participating in this incredible hop: there are more than 500!  It means you've got chances to win up more than 500 prizes! Click HERE and go to the list of blogs. Now it 's time to meet the author and discover more about your prize!

Hello and welcome at FLY HIGH,  Karelleyn. It’s always a pleasure to find intriguing books and new writers to present to our readers, so thanks for being my guest today. Since your Dhariya ~ Prelude To A Dark Legacy is a gothic novel, could you please start telling us what is the appeal of the gothic genre to you?
I love the classic gothic novels such as Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights...the elements of dramatic intensity, passion and the hidden mystery within the darkness greatly appeals to me.

The aim of a gothic tale is usually to entertain the readers frightening them. Your purpose instead?
I find today’s gothic stories are more frightening and horror filled...I feel the depth is lost within this sensationalism....I much prefer the old world traditional gothics and follow this path weave the web of intrigue and mystery which compels the readers onward ....luring them deep into the shadows to uncover hidden truths along the way.

Did you read much of the genre before writing your  Dhariya ~ Prelude To A Dark Legacy ?
Yes I have read a lot of this classic gothic genre and have been greatly inspired by the masters of the past seems a lost art in present day literature....but I endeavor to keep this style alive with my own novels.

Could you tell us something about Dhariya, your heroine?
She is a unique woman of her time, a woman of substance and fortitude who does not follow the strictures of the high society she has been born into......through all the harsh trials she faces she has never lost her compassion while forging a strong will and the instinct for survival against all odds.

Why 18th century Scotland as your setting?
I have always loved the past..always felt more a part of “what was” than “what is” maternal ancestors are from Scotland and I definitely feel the strong kinship in my blood...when I visited the old city of Edinburgh a number of years ago I knew at once that my novel must be set in the near vicinity....the choice of the 18th century came due to the historical event that happened there in the childhood of one of the main characters.

How did you work to research on the historical setting? What were your sources?
Basically all my research is done on it a treasure trove of information is important to me to make the story as real as possible therefore I seek to be as accurate as possible...with so much information makes it easier to verify ...I sifted through countless historical sites during the writing of this story.

Did you discover anything interesting you’d like to share?
In the course of writing my ideas into the story, time and time again, in my follow up research I would find many of these ideas were authentic to history and/or ancient much so that I’m considering publishing a companion book to relay these countless facts I have uncovered..

What can you tell us about the mysterious hero in your novel without giving away major spoilers?
Llyr is a complex and intense whom darkness and shadows have followed since early childhood.... deeply scarred and flawed behind the handsome exterior, he has been alone for most of his life, pursuing the excesses afforded those of wealth and privilege...yet he suddenly finds everything profoundly altered in ways he could never have imagined.

Apart from mystery and murder, what are the other ingredients you added to make your novel gripping and unforgettable?
It is also a tale of profound love between two opposites – a depiction of the relationship between darkness and one cannot exist without the this I have incorporated my love of mythology, spirituality and philosophy...interweaving all of these threads into the story with sensuality and passion.... giving it realness and meaning .... a sense of deeper purpose as the tale unfolds.

How would you present your book in about 50 words?
Darkness and light...passion and intrigue...death and rebirth...It is a tale told on many levels...with seduction and romance...a merging of both fact and a page turner that compels the reader forward with suspense and the unexpected in a tangled web of lies, deception and mysterious ties to ancient dark myths.

What are you like as a reader? (Favourite books/authors/genres/reading habits)
I am an avid reader..I discovered early that writers learn best from fellow writers...the Bronte sisters are my literary heroes ...I am also a fan of many others such as Diana Gabaldon ...Anne Rice...too many to really name...yet one who reigns high is Kareleen Koen...her novel ‘Through A Glass Darkly’ was superb and taught me a great deal as an author. I prefer a love story in the historical genre when it comes to fiction.....yet also read a lot of books on spirituality, philosophy and mythology...Joseph Campbell was a great inspiration to me. All of these elements find their way into my stories

What are you up to at the moment?
At present I am near to completing the sequel novel in what will be a series...each book being a stepping stone to deeper mysteries and more profound truths....linking back to the dawn of time. This second novel entitled ‘Llyr ~ In The Presence of Darkness ~ the Legacy’.... is a tale told from the male’s perspective as he continues on his dark journey seeking light.

Thank you so much for finding the time to answer my questions, K. Good luck for everything in your life and your writing career!

The book
Can a dream come true also be your worst nightmare? Can the love of your life be both life enhancing and life threatening at once? Indeed they can for the heroine of Dhariya ~ Prelude To A Dark Legacy’. ~ In this gothic tale of love, betrayal and murder, set in 1700’s Scotland within the walls of an old castle—a beautiful young woman falls prey to a compelling stranger. He is a man of secrets, of dark hidden passions, who unlocks her sensuality and teaches her the full meaning of desire. She senses danger in him yet somehow this thrills and excites her, filling her with a longing she’s never known before—drawing her deeper and deeper into his darkness. He in turn, finds by capturing the untouched reaches of her heart, his own has stirred to life, which poses a far more dangerous threat to them both. This castle too holds a great many secrets. Suddenly things begin to change and strange occurrences abound.Then as shocking truths unfurl, she discovers it is indeed death that awaits her within the shadows.

The author

Karelleyn Brae Wade has always had a creative imagination and used this ability in various aspects before turning to writing, soon finding that putting pen to page was her true passion in life Dhariya ~ Prelude To A Dark Legacy’ her debut novel which is now selling at, has received high praise and five star ratings. She lives on the beautiful west coast of Canada. To learn more about Karelleyn please visit her pages listed below and check out her novel at amazon



a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm writing/reading from Italy :D
    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  2. I'm on my couch ;) - and the couch is in Florida.

    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  3. I'm from New Zealand. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I'm In my bed, and we lived in Indonesia

  5. I am now reading Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh.
    Thanks for giveaway :)

  6. I'm in central California!

  7. I read either in my bed in a chair, pretty much any place as long as it doesn't wreck the book or hurt Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I;m from Muskegon, Mi... close enough to dip my feet in the lake.

  9. From my desk in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  10. I'm from Romania

  11. So glad to win, this book sounds awesome!
