


Unmapped Country has arisen great interest among FLY HIGH  readers who love Mrs Gaskell's North and South and wish to go on following Margaret and John's story with new emotions, twists and turns. Thanks to Chrissie Elmore who gave me the chance to read her continuation of the novel  and then accepted to answer my questions and be my guest.
Now it's time to reveal the name of the lucky winner of the free e-copy of Unmapped Country and I hope all the others wishing to read Chrissie's novel will manage get their own copy soon.

Congratulations to...  lilianschild!!!

Read my interview with Chrissie Elmore


  1. Oh, wow! This was a wonderful surprise.I managed to enter the contest in the nick of time and thought my chances were slim.

    Thank you so much for organising these frequent giveaways and to Chrissie for her generosity.

    I can't wait to read it and leave my impression as soon as I'm done.

  2. Ha, congrats to the winner!! What better than another writer!

  3. A very enjoyable and worthy follow-up. The protagonists are instantly recognisable and even the original characters introduced blend in really well, giving the reader the impression they've always been part of Gaskell's universe.

    I particularly enjoyed the attention to detail, which renders the descriptive passages very vivid. Evidently, the author has done her research well to stay true to the historical setting of the story and the evils of the times- notably, the contagious diseases that affected both the rich and the poor as well as the inadequate sanitation and the dismal conditions in which the most deprived lived.

    All in all, a very pleasant read for those readers who, like me, were left with the impression that there was a lot more to explore before the somewhat rushed "The End" Gaskell was forced to write.

    Out of the published e-book sequels in the market, this has turned out to be my second favourite next to Trudy Brasure's "A Heart for Milton".
