


The Book
Fate does love good choreography, so while reading Dedicated Undeniably To You listen to the waltz metaphorically danced by the concepts of love and marriage. Is marriage really the duty of each man or is it an emotional and soulful dedication that undeniably belongs to one special lady? 
Fate has plans for Lord Christopher Jared, the future Duke of Darenth. Although he proclaims that the notions of love and marriage are truly lost on him, the time is drawing near when his resolve will be put to the test. He will soon learn that the contractual obligation to marry as established by his father will not be what changes his life.  What will alter his world will be the force of his own heart that has willingly underestimated the power of falling in love happily ever after.

The giveaway 
This book has been won by kaewink who left a comment to the author interview I posted last week. Congratulations to the lucky winner and many thanks to Samantha Chandler for being my kind guest. 

Dedicated Undeniably to You is available at Amazon  or through Barnes and Noble, Xlibris bookstore and ebook store by Sony reader.

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