


Synopsis - Career diplomat Alec Halsey has been elevated to a marquessate he doesn’t want and Polite Society believes he doesn't deserve; his lover has decided she won’t marry him after all and the suspicion he murdered his brother still lingers in London drawing rooms. So returning to London after seven months' seclusion may have been a mistake.
Alec’s foreboding deepens when a nobody vicar drops dead at a party-political dinner; he witnesses the very public humiliation of an up and coming portrait painter, and his rabble-rousing uncle Plantagenet is bashed and left for dead in a laneway. When the vicar's true identity is revealed, Alec suspects the man was poisoned. But who would want a seemingly harmless man of God murdered, and why?

Last week I posted my review of this brilliant page - turner set in Georgian England and featuring another intriguing case for Alec Halsey. I'm here to reaveal the name of the lucky winner of the ARC copy the authoress has granted FLY HIGH! who I'm sure will have a great time receiving and then reading this great novel.

My congratulations to ... Krista Raven

And my grateful thanks to Lucinda Brant for providing me my review copy, for writing such witty entertaining historical fiction and for granting you readers the chance to win her Deadly Affair. Great success to her Alec Halsey series!


  1. Thank you for hosting a giveaway of Deadly Affair. It is most appreciated! And thank you to all who left a comment. Congratulations to Krista! Your ARC PDF is in the "email". : - )

  2. Thank you so very Much I'm super excited to start reading:)
    Thank you
