


 Wow! This has been an incredible Giveaway Hop! Thanks to the organizers, the ladies at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Read For Your Future! More than 150 comments is something definitely out-of-ordinary for my little blog, used to  avarage comment rates 0/10. 
I'm glad so many visitors liked the gift I chose. It is actually a beautiful present I'd love to receive myself and which I chose just because I liked it very much.

The beautiful wooden box one of the commenters is going to win is disguised as one of my favourite books: Jane Austen's Pride and PrejudiceIn this beautiful box she may keep trinkets and secret love letters away from prying eyes or other smaller books.  It will blend in perfectly with the other ones on her shelves and will look like an old leather volume. Ready to discover who the lucky winner is? 

Congratulations to...  

Book First Love!!!

I hope she'll treasure my beloved Pride and Prejudice on her shelf and think of FLY HIGH! each time she'll open it for any reason.
Thanks to all those who dropped by and commented to enter the giveaway. I'll wait for you back for other giveaway contests and, of course, to discuss books, films, art, period drama and TV series. By the way, have you checked the new giveaways on the right sidebar

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