


I'm a visiting guest today at King Richard Armitage .   This is a site supporting Richard Armitage‘s dream project of producing a Richard III TV series by signing a Petition.

A group of very active supporters want to use the collective voice of the Richard Armitage fanbase to demonstrate to potential investors that there is already a global audience for this project. There is an active online community of bloggers and webmasters who will promote its launch and an ever-expanding loyal fanbase who will watch the series.

To revise this king’s negative and ill-deserved image in popular culture and pay tribute to his legacy, Richard Armitage has more than once expressed interest in developing a major film/television project that is envisioned as a prequel to The Tudors, a television series that aired on Showtime and BBC. 

This project is a deeply personal one for Richard, who was born on the day that Richard III died (August 22) and named after the king by his father.

I was glad to answer some questions about my interest in both Richard and, of course, I signed the petition. I would love to see this project come true. What about you? Have you signed the petition? Would you like a TV series proposing and popularizing a totally new image of Richard III?

I'll wait for you at KRA site to sign the petition and to read my interview
Thank you!


  1. It's amazing to me that this project is still not moving forward. I love the idea on so many levels!

  2. Did you sign the petition, Jane? I'm glad to know you love this project too!

  3. Signed petition months ago. It would be wonderful to see a more HISTORICAL Richard III.If "fan" support helps, very good.

    Joint interventional funding ventures might help, too. They appear to work rather well.
