


                                            Tuesday  May 29, 1852

Mrs. Thornton and I had our first argument today. Well, perhaps it was not quite an argument, but I did speak quite adamantly when she spoke so unfavorably of John’s accomplishment in providing a workers’ kitchen. I must try to keep my voice more tempered when others do not see things as I do.

Fanny came to tea this afternoon and tried to offer me marital advice! It was all I could do to keep my composure. She has obviously quite a different marriage than I.

She reminded us all of the Milton ball which is forthcoming. John was fortunate enough to escape our little gathering before she graced Mrs. Thornton and I with all the myriad details of preparation for such a social enterprise. The Milton Ladies Society was very astute to have put Fanny on the planning committee, as she seems to have a very fine head for every last arrangement.

Normally, I am not eager to attend such events, but I cannot help but feel a little excitement at the thought of being introduced to Milton society as Mrs. John Thornton.  It still seems a thing amazing to me, that I should be his wife.  Sometimes, when I see him all properly dressed as Master of Marlborough Mills, I blush and smile at the thought of what we have shared. And often, I am filled with awe that among all the people on this earth, I should know him so intimately.

I must admit that Fanny’s comments have given me pause to consider what might be expected in most marriages. And now I wonder if perhaps John and I should not be so eager to come together. I do not know what is proper and should hate to think that I am influencing him unduly.  After all, he is a highly respected figure in Milton.
         Perhaps I should ask him this evening.


The giveaway 

Win A Heart for Milton, Trudy Brasure's sequel to Gaskell's North and South. To take part in this giveaway contest leave your comment + your e-mail address. Remember, Margaret will welcome not only questions for her, but also marital advice or encouragement in dealing with her  in-laws. If you have already commented Margaret Hale Thornton's first diary page last week and you'll also leave your comment to this post, you'll get a double chance to win. Good luck!

The Author

The author of these guestposts is Trudy Brasure who has  written and published a sequel to North and South, "A Heart for Milton".
Trudy Brasure is a hopeless romantic and a history enthusiast with a penchant for the Victorian Era. She enjoys steeping her imagination into the past to create stories that entrance the heart as well as capture the essence of the age. She writes most often in the morning, before her three children awake and homeschooling begins.
The author began her own personal romance story with a whirlwind courtship. Her married life started in a picturesque colonial town on the coast of Massachusetts. She now resides in California, where she and her family endeavor to enjoy the beauty of nature whenever possible.
Visit her website at


  1. I have never read a North and South sequel ,so I'm so excited for this book !

  2. @Could you please add your e-mail address, Kelda, in order to be entered in the giveaway contest? Have you got any question/suggestion for Margaret? She would be glad to hear from you. Thanks a lot for visiting us!

  3. I too have not read a sequel. Would like to be counted in. Is this sequel a one off or is it going to be a series?


  4. @Kelda and Mystica
    Thanks for your interest in my novel. As I mention on my website and in my introduction, my sequel has a twist in the original plot (toward the end) and then continues from there.

  5. Oops! Forgot to mention that it stands alone and will not be part of a series.

  6. I have seen Hell... and it is white... snow white :)

    I love the wait you are entering Margaret's head and I wish someone would do the same for Thornton.

    Looking forward to read more of this :D

  7. Thanks for your comment, but this is the last diary entry for Margaret. If you enjoy getting into Thornton's head, you're welcome to check out my book. After all, who can resist a tall dark cotton mill owner who's deeply in love?

  8. Dear Margaret,

    Ask your mother-in-law to go with you visiting others in needs (i.e. Higgins neighborhood) so she can see real worker’s life and consider what your sense about others. She is just shy - but also sensitive- and has nobody before to accompany her around.

    At Victorian era, normally – according to custom or etiquette (?) - it’s common for family having rooms that husband and wife are sleep in separate room. How about you two ?


  9. That's a splendid idea! I would like very much to have Mrs. Thornton take baskets with me to the Princeton district. I may need some time, however, to convince her to accompany me.

    As to our living arrangements, Mrs. Thornton prepared a room for me next to John's. It was cause for some brief misunderstanding between us when we first returned from our wedding trip. Fortunately, our rooms are connected by a small dressing area. I use my bedchamber as a sitting room, and have not yet utilized the bed.

  10. Dear Mrs. Thornton (the younger),
    Perhaps you might offer to read to Mrs. Thornton Sr., from Plato, of an evening. Read aloud in your persuasive tones, it might be that some philosophical and philanthropic instincts will bloom.

    Respectfully yours,

  11. Perhaps if John and I read it aloud when we are all in the drawing room, my mother-in-law would take in some ideas.
    I believe, over time, she will see the wisdom of creating a more equal society.

  12. Trudy, I love that you're described as a hopeless romantic - it is such a delightful term.

    Please give Margaret my best for her future with her beloved John.

  13. Thank you! Being hopeless in some cases is a good thing. ;)

    I'm sure Margaret will have a happy, fulfilling life. With John Thornton as her husband, how could she not?

  14. I have never heard of this series--sounds good. Count me in!

  15. Margaret, how did you blend John's sensibilities with your spirit to make a happy union?



  16. I am so eager to read the 'rest of the story' after sharing in Margaret's diary entries.

    Margaret, surely deep down you know that Fanny's opinion of marriage must be so very different from what you experience. After all, she did not marry for love or respect for her partner.

  17. Dear Margay,
    I believe our wedding trip in Helstone did much to establish a happy companionship between us. The years have been hard on John, and I was sure that beneath the staid and serious exterior he shows to the world, was a joyful and adventuresome spirit that was waiting to be unleashed.

    It proved to be so. We had a wonderful time and John was able to shed for a week all his responsibilities and worries.

    Now that we have returned to Milton, I believe the happy bond we have shared will see us through the trials that will come.


  18. Dear Sophiarose,

    You are quite correct. John said as much to me when I mentioned to him some of my concerns.

  19. This diary entry just warmed my heart. The young Mrs. Thornton sounds so charming. I wish her all the very best in her marital life. Being a person whose addicted to writing in a diary, I sometimes wonder if I will still keep a diary once I'm married. I would love to read all about Margaret's married life:)

  20. Oh, I saw the film and I love this story. Knowing there is a North and South's sequel and a Margaret's Diary makes me so and so happy. This is a wonderful new! Dear Trudy, I'd love to know about the interior changes in John and Margaret and how their love grows with this. Thanks for giving us these lovely sequels! Kisses, Rachel

  21. Rachel, I'm pleased that you're so happy to find a book based on North and South.

    If you are asking what the twist in my story is, I would prefer to leave that as a surprise for new readers. ;)
    The novel begins just a few days after Mr. Hale's death.

    There will be angst, uncertainty, and unexpected events, but it is mostly a romantic tale of John and Margaret's first year together.

  22. Dear Trudy,

    Just wonder, on which base did you write your book? The BBC's film or the Gaskell's book?
    And why ?

    Thank you and regards,


  23. Very good question, Getrida.
    The BBC's adaptation was brilliant, bringing to life all the wonderful characters in the book.
    Although my story is original in its conclusion, I used the book as my constant reference.
    In short, my novel is based on Gaskell's work, with inextricable inspiration taken from the BBC's production.

    I would not assume to follow too closely the adaptation in order to respect the copyright privileges of Sandy Welch's screenplay.

  24. I was not aware of your sequel either until reading this post. I loved it. Margaret's Diary was wonderful....really wonderful. I loved your responses to the other comments above. I was just glad to see that Margaret finally really showed she appreciated John's qualities...I hope they blend together well. I'd love to read this book.
    schafsue at gmail dot com

  25. Oh, I'm very excited to read this book! In my mind, there will come a day when N&S sequels and spin-offs are as plenty as P&P. :)

    melanie (at)

  26. Well, we have some catching up to do, then! I'm happy to be on the cutting edge. :)

    I hope you're right, as I think Gaskell deserves to be more widely read.

  27. YAY!!! Hello Trudy :) I hope that I will have possibility to read Your book in my language :)

  28. Hi Jonia! I wished you could read it. I don't know who will translate it into Polish. Cheers!
