


The Book

When Margaret Hale hastily rejected the wealthy industrialist's fervent marriage proposal, she could not have foreseen the events that would lead her to change her mind and open her heart. But was it too late now to let the handsome, brooding mill owner know? Set amidst the clamor of Victorian England's Industrial Revolution, this is a tale of hope, trial, and love's fulfillment. Based on the novel 'North and South' by Elizabeth Gaskell, this book weaves a change in the original plot to create a beautiful continuation of an enduring love story.

The giveaway

A Heart For Milton is the sequel to Elizabeth Gaskell's "North and South" by Trudy Brasure. The giveaway contest closing today has been running  for two weeks and has been connected to the two entries from Margaret Hale Thornton's post honeymoon diary written by Trudy Brasure for the readers of FLY HIGH: part I and part II.

The winner has been chosen via among the commenters of both diary pages (two comments, two chances to win) and will get the book directly from the author, Trudy Brasure , whom I want to thank heartily for being such a  kind and generous guest. I loved her pieces and her answers to your questions  as Margaret. .

And now, the name of the lucky winner. The signed copy of "A Heart for Milton" with a special dedication from the author goes to ... 



  1. Congratulation to Rachel :-)

    It is really a lovely story.

  2. Thanks, alfie, I'm glad you think so.

    Congratulations, Rachel! I enjoyed you enthusiastic comments!

  3. My dears, dears and dears Grazia and Trudy, please forgive me for answering only now but my father is seriously sick and it was abolutely impossible to me entering web before.
    Wow, I'm SO HAPPY!!! I can not believe till now I won this marvelous book. You can't imagine how I was dreaming about this book specially. I love this story so much and this chance of winning is wonderful to me specially in this moment I'm living with the disease of my dear father. It seems to me like a present from the Sky in this moment to warm my heart. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS so much to both of you, my dears!
    Dear Grazia, I'm always so thankful because both of your blogs and this marvelous work you do with the authors and spreading culture worldwild with the giveaways to people who sometimes couldn't have chance of reading the books you share with all of us, is really so generous and amazing!!! Thanks, my dear, for your kindness!!!
    Dear Trudy, it was a honor to having the possibility of knowing an author like you! You make us felling in you a heart so full of kindness, gentleness, delicacy of sentiments and a feeling of romanticism that fills our hearts with joy and willingness to always read more books as yours. Thanks, my dear, for being an author!
    With all my gratitude, love and a thousand kisses to you both, Grazia and Trudy, Rachel :)))))))
    PS: I'll email you as soon as I can, with my address Happy, happy, happy!!! :))))))
