


Happy Sunday, everyone! Greetings from the seaside. Don't envy me, it's not the case. Cloudy today and I'll be back to work tomorrow morning. Just a couple of days, a very short break. Anyway, since I'm here, I thought to send you some postcards with my greetings ...  No, no sea at sunset nor white sand beaches but RA as Dr Alec Track.

I hope you'll like them all the same!

Can you help Dr Track to solve the mystery? Which was the cause of the unexplicable symptoms? What desease did his patient suffer from ?

Love & kisses. Anto & MG


  1. LOL! Very funny stuff. Clearly the patient is cRAy-cRAy. There are no studies being done because nobody wants to be cured.

    Very nice graphics, by the way! :D

  2. @bccmee
    Anto will be flattered when I explain to him YOU like his graphic choice. I chose the photos and the storyline, he is the graphic designer. Thanks for you comment and ... yes, the lucky lady must have had a sudden attack of cRAy-cRAy meeting Dr Track.

  3. These looks like from bubble gum ;D from my childhood. Really wonderful!

  4. I think that patient is suffering for Alecomania. And there is no cure ;D

  5. It's a classic case of acute Armitageitis, but we cannot call it a disease, since it brings so much delight, joy, pleasure, emotion... There is an epidemic happening around the world just now!:D

  6. @Jonia @Fabi
    Different names for the same disease, same symptoms in so many different patients all over the world. I agree with you, it is the only one nobody wants to recover from. Thanks for your comments!

  7. Whatever she's got, I've got it too.

  8. Ha!Ha! It's so great how you have your husband so involved with your blog! I just love your new comic style. :) Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  9. LOL, no cure and if there's was one I don't think those affected really want one.

    MG enjoy your last days of holiday!

    OML :)

  10. Haha, Armitageitis - that's a brilliant one. :D Definitely something like that!

  11. @servetus
    Have you? And have you seen a ... doctor? I bet you haven't and you don't want to either! As @onemorelurker1 says, "who wants to recover"? None of us! Glad you like our comic strip @phylly3 and @Traxy. And thank you all for your comments!

  12. Hahaha! Loved it, Maria Grazia!
    And yes, it's definitely Armitageitis ;-)

  13. Thanks @PoliCBA - We might volunteer for a scientific - medical research on the phenomenon. They usually need lots of patients for their experiments and, of course, they should analize the effect of the "cause" on the ill subjects. So the "cause" should be someway involved in the experiments ... mmm ... do you know any smart scientist? ;-)

  14. I would volunteer for this medical research, but on one condition: I need to be "exposed" many many times to the "cause" of the illness. You know, for the good of science ;-)
