


Almost a year ago, Maria Grazia invited me on her blogs (HERE and HERE) to promote the release of Charlotte Collins: A Continuation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, a book that I self-published in the hopes of gaining a traditional publishing contract. What I didn’t know then was that I would fall in love with book industry and decide to start my own publishing company, Whiteley Press, which is dedicated to bringing professional-quality fiction and nonfiction books and ebooks to market.

In July, I released my second book—Absolute Liability: A Southern Fraud Thriller—under the Whiteley Press imprint, and it has since climbed into the Amazon (US) Kindle Top 100 Bestsellers list. Seeing such a positive response to this book has literally been a dream come true for me, and I am grateful to everyone who has taken a chance on a new mystery/thriller author. Now, I am excited to be able to share my book here, with those who played such a large role in the success of Charlotte Collins.

Absolute Liability
Meet Julia Jackson. Apparently, she’s been abducted....

A woman is taken at gunpoint from the downtown office of Southeastern Insurance, and the police believe the victim is Special Agent Julia Jackson. Only it isn't true.

Now, with the help of her new partner Mark Vincent, state fraud investigator Julia Jackson must find justice for the woman who was taken in her place.

As Vincent and Julia begin to unravel the multimillion-dollar frauds that led to the abduction, they encounter a cast of quirky characters, one of whom will go to desperate lengths to hide a deadly secret.

Things only become more dangerous as bodies begin accumulating around town, and Julia must discover the truth before the abductor comes to rectify his mistake.

Absolute Liability is the first in the six-book Southern Fraud Thriller series, which blends suspense, humor, and Southern charm with just a touch of romance. If you enjoy reading humorous mysteries or watching TV crime dramedies like Castle or The Mentalist, you should like Absolute Liability.

Death Benefits (Southern Fraud book 2) will be released in January!

In celebration of Absolute Liability’s successful launch and out of my gratitude to the readers of this blog, I’m giving away 2 free ebook editions! Just follow Maria Grazia’s instructions below to enter and the winners will receive the ebook formatted for their ereading device.

If you do not yet have an ereader, that’s okay. You can download a free application for reading on your computer. (Check here: Amazon Kindle or Barnes and Noble Nook.)

If you can’t wait for the giveaway, you can always get your ebook copy at the following online retailers for only $.99 US. The paperback is currently only available at Amazon or through my website for only $9.99 US. (International shipping is available at my site.)
Amazon US: Kindle or Paperback
Smashwords (in any ebook format)
Also available at the iBookstore and Scrollmotion.

And if mysteries aren’t your style, my second Jane Austen sequel—Caroline Bingley—will be out soon!

Jennifer Becton


Thanks a lot to Jennifer Becton for guestblogging on Fly High again. Good luck and success! Now, since she's been so generous to grant you readers a double chance to win the e-book version of her Absolute Liability, here are the rules for this giveaway open worldwide:

1. leave a comment here and don't forget to add your e-mail address
2. you get  extra-chances if you "spread the word" about this giveaway on your blog,  twitter or facebook , adding the link in a new comment (the more comments you leave, the more chances to win you get)

The giveaway ends on September 1st when the names of the winners are announced


  1. Congrats, Jennifer on your success. I have not read thrillers in a long time but I'm willing to give this a try. You have pique my interest.

    I have blog about this here. Will fb later.

    Thank you for making this international.

  2. Oh! I hope you enjoy the book. I had so much fun writing it! It's quite a different world from Jane Austen though. :)

  3. I have seen this book before and thought I would love to read it. So glad to see the giveaway here! Thanks!


  4. Congratulations Jennifer. I wrote a novel myself and I've just finished another. Publishing is always a problem and I was so disappointed with my first novel that I don't know if I will try again, but writing is a pleasure, always!!! I wish you all the best with your career and I'd love to read your book.

  5. Thanks for entering Margaret!

    Maribea, when you decide you are ready to share your work, there are lots of new methods to consider. You can do it!


  6. Yay! I want to win :) Even though I've already read, and loved, Absolute Liability, I'd like to gift it to a friend! Thanks for the chance!

  7. Hi Jennifer!

    I liked Charlotte Collins so much, I'm looking forward to reading Absolute Liability, even though thrillers aren't normally a genre I read!

    I just passed Charlotte Collins on to my mom, too. :)

    - Liz

  8. Thanks Jess!

    Liz, I'm so glad you liked Charlotte Collins. I am also glad you're willing to give Absolute Liability a shot even though it's not your normal genre. It's kind of a gentle thriller. LOL It's probably not going to keep you up at night or anything. My mother in law read it and she doesn't do them either. :)
