


Since I love everything British, I recognize and I admit, I am totally biased. I want to be  completely honest. But please, grumpy criticizers all over the world, anarchists and anti-royalists out there, let me be excited and proud of this very special, romantic, exceptional event. You've got enough for today? Just don't go on reading, click and go! Escapism? Yes, please! Mindless entertainment? Can't do without, lately. Remember: I live in Italy. Do you remember who represent my country in the eyes of the rest of the world? Yes, you do! Do you remember why he is so often in the news ? You do, of course. 
So, please, let  me rejoice for this sunbeam of happiness and enthusiasm, between a war and a bomb attack. Let me dream about this new colourful, tender, royal tale. Cinderella Middleton, or better, commoner Kate - since she's not as poor as lovely Cindy- has just married her prince. Prince William.  And everything was perfect! London, the crowded streets and merry cheer, the flags, Westminster Abbey, the choir and the music, the flowers, the horses, the bride and her royal groom, the illustrious pompous guests. So British, so far from our everyday reality. Allow me this suspension of disbelief, this harmless (but very expensive to the British finances, I know) way of blocking out the real world, of seeing other people's lives achieve the happiness we all dream about. 

I'm proud I could watch two English Royal Weddings so far, on tv or youtube,  but that's great enough as well. Princess Diana's story was a sad, tragic tale which moved millions of people all over the world. However sad , it was a touching story, full of sorrow and pain.  Let's hope Princess Kate's destiny be happier and less tragic. Let's hope this beautiful young couple can  honorably represent a proud nation in the eyes of the rest of the world.  
At this point, I want to make it clear , to tell you why I absolutely couldn't miss this not so trivial reality show: not only because it was so close to  my beloved costume drama and definitely similar to one of my favourite romances. Yes, there are other reasons. Five reasons are the ones Maureen Ryan pointed out in this lovely article yesterday, one is totally mine : a desperate need of a fairy tale. Remember: I live in Italy.

See videos and highlights at The Royal Channel


  1. I'm with you MG! I got up at 4:00am my time to see it LIVE! We all need romance once in a while. I also remember getting up at the same time to watch Prince William's parents get married, and despite all, I still remember that day :)

  2. @Musa
    There's not that big difference between Italy and the UK. Only one hour. So no getting up at night for me :) I also still remember the day of Diana's wedding, so thrilling and moving. Thanks for your comment!

  3. I'm with you too. I also got up at 4am and have watched the whole thing twice today- the first time live, I was crying and cheering so I missed a few bits. The second time I could drink it all in. What can I say - I love fairy tales. And I also got up at 5am when I was 9 years old to watch his parents get married. And I was in London when Diana died and got to leave flowers at her palace. I was glad to see, so many years later, her son experience what was obviously a moment a true happiness. Did you see that beaming smile? He was trying to reign it in a few times...Is it true love? I sure hope it is. And wasn't it great to get a break from all the bad news for one day and just revel in the love, the pomp and ceremony and the fairy tale of it all :)
    Yours truly, A French-Canadian Monarchist :)

  4. @calexora
    Glad to hear from you! :)

  5. Still watching the coverage (after 14 hours, although I did have to go to work for 8 of those!).
    I have tears pricking at my eyes as I remember watching the wedding 30 years ago (I was 17) and thinking how much happier this one is. Gorgeous, fun and wonderful.

    I wish all the very best. Hope you are all enjoying as much as I. Obviously Maria Grazia is!

  6. Fabulous post, MG! Watched it all LIVE in Australia (as I had Diana's wedding way back when I was a University student) Made fresh backed scones, jam and fresh cream with Twinnings tea. Toasted the happy couple with champagne and we all wore pink tiaras! A wonderful night of love and happiness and a welcome relief from the usual media forays into heartache, misery and cynicism. I truly hope it is a happily ever after...

  7. @Jenny Allworthy & @Lucinda Brant
    Thanks for sharing your feelings and emotions while watching the royal wedding.I was moved too, Jenny, at thinking how different (young!) I was when I watched my first Royal wedding on tv and how joyful this one seemed respect to that one. And Lucinda, I wish I could have been with you in Australia. What an awesome party it must have been!

  8. Wonderful 7 hours of glorious pageantry, music and romance. The nay-sayers are miseries and I wish them joy in their sad lives!

    In respect of the money... I read that the wedding cost just under a 100 million pounds with the cost of security, loss of national income through public holiday etc BUT that it bought in 300 million pounds with tourism and 500 million pounds through food and alcohol bought around the UK for celebrations! Seems to balance out quite nicely, thank you!

  9. @mesmered
    Interesting to know! This is what royals are meant to be nowdays ... a tourist attraction to increase state incomes. Then many people in the UK claim they unfairly have to pay taxes to support royals'luxurious standards of living. These matters are sad but true. And so less attractive than the glamourous romantic wedding we watched yesterday!Thanks for your contribution, Prue!
