


Time for a good book on Fly High. Published  as an e-book so far, but coming out as a hard-cover by the end of the year. I had the pleasure to receive this historical novel directly from its author, Lucinda Brant.  I did like it. I simply loved it! It's a "crimance": a blend of crime and romance genres.

A truly intriguing one. A real page turner. It's Part I of a two-part mystery series set in the Georgian Era, in England. If you dream of a book with a gorgeous hero, thrilling emotions, romance and intrigue, wit and elegance, silk and powdered wigs, you won't be disappointed,  I'm sure you'll enjoy Lucinda Brant's DEADLY ENGAGEMENT pretty much.

1763. Alec Halsey,  being a second son  is not going to inherit his father's title. nor his properties.  His boasting, wicked brother, Edward, is the heir to the title, Earl of Delvin, and to the family patrimony. But it seems Alec will have to renounce even  more in favour of his brother: his dream to marry young beautiful Emily, his godmother's grand-daughter.

Coming back from his service as a diplomat in Paris, he discovers she is betrothed to Edward. who has also just killed one of Alec's friends, Jack, in a duel.  The rivalry between the two brothers - or better the Earl of Delvin's jealousy and hatred towards his younger brother - is  the driving force behind many of the events of the gripping plot. Edward and Emily are going to announce their intention to marry soon to friends and family  during a grand party at St. Neots House . The party will be ravaged by unexpected events, bloody ones. During the engagement celebration  the guests will be greatly shocked by a lady's maid's murder,  an attack to the bride-to-be , and a guest  shot dead.

Alec will have to face revelations about his own family, to cope with meeting again his first great love, Selina Jamison-Lewis, now a widow and an even more attractive woman,  and he will uncover the  connection between those mysterious sinister events , his friend's Jack's killing in a duel and a recently raided male brothel.
Will he find a way to conquer Emily's heart before she marries his elder brother? Will he, instead, woo his old flame, Selina, now she is a widow? What did his own  mother write about his birth in a crucial letter to Selina's aunt, Lady Margaret, one of her best friends?  In his investigations Alec will be helped by his bizarre republican uncle,  a MP,  Plantagenet  Halsey, and by his loyal friend,  Lord Cosmo.
You can't miss Lucinda Brant's two-part Alec Halsey Mystery series, Deadly Engagement and Deadly Affair , a perfect blend of history, romance  and mystery.  The first novel is now available as an e-book at all the ebook stores (Apple ibooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble,  etc). Here's a direct link to the Kindle edition on Amazon. And, if you stay tuned, very soon on FLY HIGH, an interview with Lucinda Brant + giveaway of free copies! The second installment is coming out soon.

Pardon? Who's the gorgeous blue-eyed man on the book cover? But Alec Halsey, of course! What? !? You thought you had recognized someone else, whose name starts with an" R" and whose surname with an "A"? Going to ask the author in person in my interview ... Dark-haired, blue-eyed, "R", "A" ...


  1. Thank you Maria!
    That's that I'd love to know too. The cover looks amazing with Richard :)
    I'm looking forward to reading your interview.

  2. Alex who?? Wait .. AleC Halsey :-) That cover is very uncanny!!
    Thanks Maria!

  3. When I started reading this post, I confess that I was wondering if that gorgeous picture was the real book cover or not: it seemed too good to be true! Congratulations, Lucinda, yours is a book to be framed instead of just put on a shelf ;)

  4. Thank you @Claudia! I am thinking I must frame Alec and put him on my wall - facing my desk - but methinks that will be way too distracting!!! ; - )

  5. That was my first thought looking at the cover. "Hey that really looks like RA!" :D I know which photo it is too. It's very similar but not 100% like RA. Looking forward to reading the interview! :)

  6. Very exciting to see RA's face on a book cover. Especially one like this that I know I will enjoy reading! I don't have a Kindle and there's no way I will wait for it to come out in paperback -- so I will definitely be buying the hardcover!!
    I look forward to your interview MG!

  7. @phylly3 the first two chapters are up on my website if you want to whet your appetite before the hardcover is released - which will be in a couple of months - so the publisher tells me. I can't wait! : - )
