


Happy Saturday, everybody! I know, I haven't been writing much about him lately , but I can assure you I'm always here,  trying to find something old or new which could work against the inevitable withdrawal syndrome. These days I've been  re-reading some old interviews like this one and thinking how much  I love discovering what lies behind his extremely good-looking appearance.
Also  wondering: "how much is the experience in the American star system going to change lovely Richard Armitage? Will he pass through the great expectations for The Hobbit and the blinding spotlight unchanged"?

I bet he will keep on with  his integrity and his humbleness.

Spooks 9 DVD is getting my way! It is due to arrive by March 9th , as I pre-ordered it  in October and is going to be relased next Monday 28th February . The extras on the DVD set have been announced. They include two features, The Cost Of Being A Spy and The Downfall Of Lucas North, as well as episode commentaries by Nicola Walker, executive producer Andrew Woodhead, Sam Vincent, Jon Brackley and writer Anthony Neilson.

Watch this trailer for the DVD

By the way, have you tried to play the Become a Spook game? (HERE) . I have! Only I'm total crap at computer games and, even more, any time Lucas North appears on the screen , I got distracted and started confusing the right with the left , as well as misunderstanding what Tareq or  Ruth told me. Not a good agent, I'm afraid! But since Lucas North is not working at the Grid any longer , I'm not so interested in applying. for the position .. Sorry Sir Harry!

Delayed or not delayed? The beginning of the shooting is said to be furtherly postponed on The Hobbit Movie News blog. No other source is mentioning these news and I really hope it is not true. It's very likely it will. What are the actors supposed to be doing there all this time ... A holiday in NZ hot summer? Helping people in the damaged areas? It's an unbelievable tragedy and they are all there stuck and waiting. I know the situation is definitely far from being joyful all around them, but I hope they won't have to stop working or be forced to delay their activities much longer. The shooting is supposed to be at miles of distance from the area hit by the earthquake. So I hope they will be able to go on as planned in their schedule.
Are you following Robert Kazinsky's and  Ian MacKellen's tweets from New Zealand? The first actor, aka Fili in The Hobbit, tweeted "I'm fine people, my thoughts are with the cast and crew with family in Christchurch. the Coming days will be hard." .
It's interesting to know more about the life of the cast at the Dwarf Boot Camp. They even partied yesterday trying to socialize and create a more united group as written by Ian MacKellen in his latest blogpost.

 "Venetia, I love you to the edge of madness"
I've just heard that the Venetia audiobook read by  Richard Armitage for Naxos Audiobook has been nominated for an Audie award in the Audiobook Adaptation category The awards are presented by the Audio Publishers Assocation. My review of the audiobook  HERE.

My list of favourites  as to Heyer's audiobooks read by RA is as follow : 1. A Convenient Marriage, 2. Venetia, 3. Sylvester

What's yours?
RichardArmitage has narrated a documentary for Discovery about HMS Ark Royal. Ep1 on Sat at midnight or Sun at 5pm.  The HMS Ark Royal carried the Harrier and 3 types of helicopter during its active service, these included the Lynx which is currently the fastest helicopter in the world and the Sea King, equipped with an early warning radar system.
The first episode aired last Tuesday evening, but it is repeated on Saturday 26th February at midnight and then again on Sunday at 5.00pm. This is an eight part series and the second episode is on Tuesday 1st March at 10.00pm, then repeated again several times: Discovery TV Schedule. It is on Discovery and Discovery HD simultaneously. More  information on
Watch a video on yoututbe
Many thanks to Annette at and Ali at for keeping us all always so well updated. 


 A great weekend to you all! MG


  1. Thanks for sharing all this info on RA.

    My favourite G. Heyer audiobooks read by RA are in fact just in the reverse order than yours:
    1. Sylvester, 2. Venetia, 3. Convenient Marriage
    Maybe its because Sylvester was the first one I got and although Conventient Marriage has got a funny plot I find the stammering a bit tireing. I'm always amazed at his performing all parts and I could listen to them forever!

  2. Why, oh why does he keep doing documentaries instead of recording a new audiobook?
    I have almost memorized the whole 3 Heyer ABooks, can't wait for a new release... a girl can dream, can't she? ;)
    xx K/B
