


How do your husbands (if you are married) and  partners react to and  cope with you RA mania? Mine quite well, though not always. He tries to find a compromise between his jealousy and pride and my "one weakness", teasing me at times or ignoring my enthusiasm others. There are even rare times in which he takes an interest (real or fake?) in what RA is doing or going to do. Meaning, he patiently listens to my endless ramblings about RA's career. Actually,  he has never watched a whole episode of one of Richard's works. Never. Only bits. He says that it is because of his lack of time but I suspect the real reason is somewhat different.
But do you want to know what he actually think?
He accepted to answer some questions. I wrote them, send them via mail as I usually do with my guests and ... HE ANSWERED! 
I interviewed my husband, Antonio,  about my devotion to another man! OMG, I must be crazy. But here's what he answered me.  Dear ladies and friends, my guest today is Antonio, my husband.

Do you know what the RA Friday is?
It’s an event my wife dedicates to Richard Armitage on her blog Fly High  every Friday. Did I guess? 
Is it  true that you and your sons usually tease MG for her interest in RA  and his work? Couldn’t you spare her from time to time?
When you see a composed , calm  lady incandescently animated as a teenager on a hormonal tempest (can I say so?)  I think it is natural to tease her a bit. 

Do you know when and how MG got to know about Richard Armitage and his work?
She loved watching Spooks and when Richard started acting in the series she couldn’t be stopped. 

Well,  that came only later but it is true, I love Spooks so much.  However, it was when I saw him in North and South, where he was in a Victorian costume. Do you remember ? Mr Thornton? Ok, never mind. What do you know of Richard Armitage and his career?
That he had to accept very humble  jobs before becoming an actor and  that he became  famous little by little after many years. He’s good at DIY (You told me so I can't be wrong this time!)
Name  works RA has done and you know about.
Let’s see. I can’t remember many of them now,  but the first ones that come to my mind are Robin Hood, Spooks and Strike Back.  I also know that he will be in Captain America and The Hobbit.

Good! Now, the truth, please. Have you ever seen one of Richard’s  works?
No, unfortunately I haven’t.
Why not Anto?
Because of my costant lack of  time, you know.
Let’s say that I’ll pretend  to believe you. But you promised to see at least Strike Back and I’m still waiting! Now answer this one, please. Do you know what your wife most appreciate in RA?
She says she higly appreciates his talent and his voice but I think she especially appreciates his male charm

How jealous  are you  from 1 to 10?
Jealous? I’m not jealous at all. He is not “real and tangible ” so I’m not jealous at all.
What annoys  you the most?
Nothing annoys me of what MG does. LOL .  Let’s say I’m … resigned to accept ...

 Is it true that you helped MG to create some of  her fanvids for her  Youtube  channel?
Yes, I did it. Willingly.
Do you read her blogposts and tweets to check what she is up to?
I ask her directly, I don't spy on her. LOL
What would you say to Richard if you ever met him?
I would congratulate him, to become popular and so appreciated is not for anybody.
What do you think MG would do if she ever manages to meet him?
If MG happened to meet him … I think … that after a short moment of total contemplative silence, she would start asking infinite questions and would overwhelm  him with compliments until he ran away.
Mmm… Do you mean I  tend to be talkative? But Richard is so kind I think  he would never run away.  Problem is, you don’t know me that well , darling. I would never dare approach him nor talk to him. I would stare in admiration, that’s inevitable. So he will never need to run away from me. LOL
Thank you, darling, for being so patient and answering my questions.

That’s all for this Friday. Have a very nice weekend. 

Ours is full of snow and bitterly cold! What about yours?


  1. Maria, This is great! Your husband sounds like a good guy and very normal. :D

  2. This was ADORABLE! My husband rolls his eyes so much at my RA stuff one day they will fall out of his head.
    Your husband knows you very well and obviously loves you very much!

  3. Awww, that's so sweet! :) I think my hubby's responses might be slightly different. Don't dare interviewing him! ;)

  4. Piacere Antonio :). Very nice interview, is nice to know his reaction towards your RAmania (in which you indulge *only* on Fridays) and know a little bit more about you from his perspective.

    OML :)

  5. What a wonderful interview! I put up with my husband's crush on Isabella Rossellini
    when we first got married, so it goes both ways!

  6. "When you see a composed , calm lady incandescently animated as a teenager on a hormonal tempest (can I say so?) I think it is natural to tease her a bit."

    Is he a poet in hiding?? I love it!!! Do tell him he's got fan girls of his own!! LOL

  7. My husband is also 'resigned to accept'!

  8. I read this to my husband who laughed, especially at the tempest bit. I suspect he probably feels exactly the same as Antonio, but doesn't put it into words. Mind you, he did watch all of RH and all of Spooks 1-9 and Strikeback. But can't see him watching N&S or The Hobbit.
    Antonio's answers were wonderful, MG, and I love the humour you both have! Fantastic post.

  9. What a good sport your husband is!

  10. You have a wonderful and tolerant husband! I loved the "incandescently animated" description.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful interview.

  11. WOW! What a surprise to see Antonio as the RAF's special guest! He must be flattered... well, just a trifle :-P
    He could even come and read this blog, for the occasion :D
    After having so highly praised, the least that he could do is to watch Strike back!
    xx K

  12. Thanks for all your lovely comments. Anto & MG.

  13. Aw, your husband is an angel. What a sweet, kind, adorable man - and a "real, tangible" one, too - the best kind. It's so nice you can share the lighthearted things in life together like this - you seem like true friends. All the best to you and your great catch of a hubby! :)

  14. What a fantastic post and what a generous husband! Does he have a brother? :)

  15. Enjoyed this post immensely. Agree with the above comments, especially Skully's. Your husband's a sport (and clearly a keeper).

  16. Ciao Antonio, che piacere conoscerti! Lo sai che sia io che mio marito condividiamo il tuo nome? Io, Antonella, e mio marito Antohony (O meglio Tony)! Sei fantastico e non essere gelose di RA, come dici tu non e' reale, ma certi mariti sono gelosi persino delle ombre! Al mio Tony non dispiace RA, perche e' un fan di Spooks da tanti anni e gli e' anche piaciuta la miniserie Nprth&South. Purtroppo non sopporta Colin Firth, ma questa e' tutt'un'altra storia...Buone Feste, a te Antonio e alla MG cosi' come anche ia vostri ragazzi. Bacioni dalla vecchia Inghilterra...Ciao. A.

  17. @lunarossa Grazie Antonella per le belle parole e grazie per gli Auguri che ricambio a Te e Famiglia
    Ciao !!

  18. Thanks a lot , everybody. Happy Christmas !!

  19. This was a fabulous post MG! I read it on my Blackberry in the car while on a trip to the city to pick up our children (from various parts of the country) and to finish Christmas shopping. My appreciative chuckles made my husband curious as to what was so amusing. When I told him about your post, he laughed and said that I should interview him too! I think you are on to something here Maria Grazia!
    Kudos to your wonderful husband. Maybe he should start a blog for partners of Armitagemaniacs?!

  20. Hi dear! Nice idea to interview your husband! Lovely post!
    I guess my husband doesn't even know what RA stands for! hahaha

  21. i really enjoy your posts especially this one, i think you are very creative,funny and you have a wonderful husband:)
