


London 27th december 2010

I arrived yesterday afternoon, Boxing Day, in the middle of a tube strike and with many shops closed though the beginning of the winter sales. Long journey by train and then bus to our hotel and ... what a beautiful surprise! I arrived just in time to see the first episode of the new BBC re-make of Upstairs, Downstairs! It was beautiful wasn't it? I love watching British Tv in the original language and who follows this blog know about my passion for period drama so you can imagine how glad I was.

It's freezing here. We left Italy with 13° C and found -2 here! But, fortunately, no snow in London.We saw plenty of it from the plane all around the city but none at all here... so far. Fingers crossed. It's been very cold all day and everything was terribly grey, London unique grey.However, task one for day one in London was... the Old Vic. Yep. Can you guess why? Do you remember my wish for Christmas? The perfect Christmas gift I longed for? I wanted to see the "The third wish" from the 24 Hour Plays.

But it seems it must remain just a wish... I  went  there and asked the very kind young ladies at the box office if they had a brochure, a leaflet, a book of the event. "No, I'm afraid we have nothing about it". Then I directly asked if they recorded anything from the performances or if they were preparing a DVD with the plays and "No, I'm afraid we only have a video on our facebook page about it". Well, I know, I've seen it, but that's not what I intended. Ok. Thanks a lot and since I'm here are there any tickets left for "A Flea in Her Ear"? Final result of my enquiry: Wednesday evening I'm going to see Tom Hollander in Feydeau's comedy. Mr Collins instead of ... well you know who I mean. But I think it'll be fun, don't you?

Task 2 for the day was to walk in one of my favourite London areas, South Bank. We started from the Old Vic and walked, walked, andwalked up (or down?) to the Tower Bridge, passed the London Eye, the City skyline with the Gherkin and St Paul's, passed theTate Modern, the Globe, Millenium Bridge as far as The Tower Bridge. Many of  these landmarks reminded me of Spooks,  of course.

Long afternoon shopping and having coffee (needed to sit and drink something hot!) at Piccadilly. Nice dinner at Baker Street and, finally, episode two of Upstairs, Downstairs. Wonderful series! I hope I can finish watching it once back in Italy. But maybe I'll have to wait.
By the way, I've met a good friend of mine ... just have a look. won't be thinking I quite  look like Alice, if only I had  a pair of glasses on.  I've already listened to this one and ... do not like it! Nothing against lovely Alice ... only ... I'm not that funny. Now, that's all for tonight. No precise plans for tomorrow. Improvisation may be great fun while on holiday! Love. MG


  1. Am so glad you are enjoying the trip. Looking at heathrow a few days back, I wondered whether you would even get there. Keep us all updated!

  2. This is so exciting MG! Good for you for asking about a video of the play. It is a shame they didn't make one, but maybe if more people asked... they might next time?
    Was this trip your Christmas present? How long are you staying?
    I can't wait to hear more about it! Thanks for posting!

  3. @mystica
    We landed at Gatwick airport and there was snow all around but not in the city. It's raining today but ... never mind. Fingers crossed it won't get worse.
    This was a trip we planned last summer with my husband and son because we couldn't go anywhere then. It's our Christmas present to ourselves.And it's great. Then it's my second time in London in a month!

  4. Hi Alice! :-P
    Glad you're enjoying your trip, so far! Nice to see that you're doing a bit of location hunting, too: I'm hugely envious, and you know it :D
    Have a nice time in London,
    * hugs *

  5. @Karen
    Envy is a bad feeling, K. :-P
    But I'll forgive you. You know, I'm good at forgiveness... like someone else. :-D
    Don't work too hard! :-P

  6. Hi MG. Whilst you are in London, go to the BBC at Portland Place. My husband's been there a few times and says it's definitely Thames House from Spooks.

  7. Thank you for sharing your time in London with us. Sorry to hear that the Old Vic didn't film or record "The Third Wish".

    Love the photo of you and the Dawn French poster.
    Happy New Year!

  8. Aww, shame they didn't produce a DVD of the event. They totally could have made a few bucks there!

    Hope you have lots of fun seeing Tom Hollander. Saw him on Swedish TV last night actually, in Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (3 is on tonight). Cutler Beckett's my favourite character!

    Can't believe you're back in England again so soon! When are you moving over? ;)

  9. @Mesmered
    Well...thanks for the tip, Prue, but my location hunting can't go on any further. My husband and son have been very patient so far. But I'll see if I can reach the place your husband suggests. I'd love to.
    Yes, unfortunately, the kind ladies at the box office told me they didn't know about any recording apart from the video on facebook.
    They suggestedme to e-mail the theatre @admin for an enquiry.
    I AM in London again, for the second time in one month. I can hardly believe it myself.
    Ireally hope I'll have fun tomorrow evening with Tom Hollander and Feydeau.

  10. Glad you're having fun in London in spite of the cold weather. Hope you've enjoyed Feydeau. I cannot stand Hollander but I read the show is good. I think your husband and son deserve to visit some football locations now! Ciao. A.
