


 Hello, everybody! Happy Halloween Sunday! Here I am to announce the names of the two lucky winners who will get a free copy of this awesome historical novel, THE WEDDING SHROUD by Australian author Elisabeth Storrs. Have you read my interview?

Here's briefly the plot of the novel:

In 406 BC, to seal a tenuous truce, the young Roman Caecilia is wedded to Vel Mastarna, an Etruscan nobleman from the city of Veii. The fledgling Republic lies only twelve miles across the Tiber from its neighbour, but the cities are from opposing worlds so different are their customs and beliefs. Leaving behind a righteous society, Caecilia is determined to remain true to Roman virtues while living among the sinful Etruscans. Instead she finds herself tempted by a mystical, hedonistic culture which offers pleasure and independence to women as well as a chance to persuade the Gods to delay her destiny. Yet Mastarna and his people also hold dark secrets and, as war looms, Caecilia discovers that Fate is not so easy to control and that she must finally choose where her allegiance lies. Exploring themes of destiny versus self-determination and tolerance versus prejudice, The Wedding Shroud is a novel that vividly captures a historical time and place while shining a light on the lives of women of the ancient world.

Here we go now with the names you are waiting for... the first copy goes to a whole family...

 carol ann, emily elisaBeth and rebecca catherine olivia

and the second one to ...

 Teddy Rose 

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!!! And thanks a lot to Elisabeth Storrs for her kindness and generous giveaway.


  1. OH! We are absolutely thrilled that we won this book, and can't wait to get our hands on it to read it together! My daughters were all so excited that we won this book.
    Thank you, Maria!
    GRAZIE from all of us!
    carol ann, emily elisaBeth, rebecca catherine olivia
