


August is a very special RA-month!
First of all, as everybody here certainly knows and never forgets, it's Richard’s birthday  on 22nd of August. In two days!!!
He was named Richard being born on the anniversary of Richard III’s demise at Bosworth (22nd August 1485). One of his father's favourite book is Sharon Kay Penman's "The Sunne in Splendour", A novel of Richard III!

Next Sunday he’ll turn 39 ! Congratulations Richard! 
You've improved so much, it seems that for you to grow up doesn't mean to  get older but to get better! So, you see, you shouldn't worry  for  the passing of time!

Though you'll  maybe  start worrying and saddening about your being nearly 40 and not 25 as you feel,  you still remain ...buzzzz...years younger than me.You’ll always be young to me!
How will you celebrate your birthday? I’d love to know it! I hope definitely not like me. I always try to forget what day it is and hope  the rest of the world forget as well. I hate celebrating MY birthday, not other people’s birthdays. Why is that? I can’t explain.  Or maybe I can. Well...just a hint: I loved celebrating and partying on my birthday when I was 16, for example! So, that’s it.

Happy birthday, Richard! You deserve a very special one. You’ve worked so hard this year and you have made us so happy for that! Our darling, workaholic, gorgeous man! Only, don’t take too long holidays, please! Enjoy a very special period of relax but not too long , please. We are all on a crisis, terrible crisis ... as any true addict knows. We know you’re tired and need a break . We perfectly know what it has been like for you ... We know that you trained till almost collapsing to the floor in order to become super-fit-killing-machine-with-a-conscience, John Porter; you were shooting (and maybe were even shot)  long months as Lucas-North-or-not-Lucas-North-this-is-the-question in series 9 of Spooks; you were sitting for hours, free just to wave your beautiful hands, to give us an extremely charming-voiced hero and lots of fun with your new Heyer audiobook; what else? Yep! How could I forget! You were Lovelace and, poor you , had even to rape that bygot, annoying Clarissa Harlowe! It’s been an exhausting year, if we add that you’ve been recording lots of adverts and a new series of Homes from Hell, granting lots of interviews, being taken in lots of photos (even for giant posters that haunted England for a while) and you finally promised us a comedy on stage, possibly halfway through 2011, and are ready to be John Porter again. Next date with you, for now, Spooks 9 BBC1 Autumn 2010. Thanks for all the past, present and future joys you generously  have and will grant/ed us! 

 What is Richard like according to the horoscope?

Leos born on August 22 are thoroughbreds. They have good looks, personal charm, and plenty of class. There is a certain instability in their personality that makes them intriguing. High-strung  and somewhat nervous , they thrive on attention
Friends and Lovers
Unlike most Leos, August 22 natives don't have a lot of "people" skills. They don't make friends easily but are intensely loyal to the ones they have. Love relationships can be immensely complicated for these individuals. They are critical by nature -- a trait that can work against them at times. Once they learn to be more trusting and tolerant, their love life is sure to improve.
Children and Family
There are strong ties between August 22 individuals and their parents, even if the relationship is overshadowed by conflict and controversy in later years. Because of the dynamic characterizing the relationship with their own parents, they don't have a great deal of confidence in their parenting abilities. This changes when they have an opportunity to grow. 
Career and Finances
August 22 natives need to come to grips with their own talents and abilities. They can benefit from the help and direction of a mentor who steers them during the early part of their career. Money management is not their strong suit. These people have a hard time keeping track of their spending habits.
Dreams and Goals
Before they can reach their goals, August 22 individuals need to learn to believe in themselves. This should not be a problem since they have so much going for them. Yet it often takes the personal validation of a close friend, family member, or colleague to make them see what is so obvious to everyone else -- that they have talent.

Is there anything of the real Richard in these words? Not that I believe in horoscopes but I bet there is some truth up here...

Everything started one day in August...

I've already told you so many times that ... I'll be really brief. One day in August I decided to watch a BBC four-part series on DVD. I had bought it some time before but never had time to watch it. It was 2008. It was North & South. And then I watched Sparkhouse and then Robin Hood 2 and soon after  RH1 (wrong order? not for me!) ...and then I started visited Annette's site very often ... then started blogging...and HERE I AM! Two years of Richard and my life has changed... pretty much!

Happy "North and South second anniversary" to me 

Last year I posted a video for RA's birthday. This year I actually couldn't find the time to create a new one. so I'll post one of my  RA dedicated clips from my Utube channel. It's not new but ... how romantic!

RA's birthday can be another very good occasion to follow his suggestion to avoid spending money for gifts to him and donate it instead for charity. RA has a "JustGiving" webpage where people have the option of donating to four nominated charities: Barnardos; Salvation Army; Shelter; Childline. Click on each icon on his page for further details.  HERE



  1. Lovely post & vid, a first view for me. Have a great RA Bday/weekend!

  2. Beautiful 'Happy B-day' post :D. He's been busy hasn't he? I hope he has a wonderful day tomorrow with family, friends and just relax.

    I'm the kind who believes in horoscopes if it says anything in my favour (lol). Anyways if they make it up or not, some traits sure fit him.

    OML :)

  3. Very interesting post! I am interested in horoscopes too. I think they can be quite specific if you can nail it down to time of the day too.
    Love your Code poem too! I remember seeing it before, but I didn't remember the song afterwards. That is a nice touch.

  4. What a coincidence María, it was two years ago in August 2008 that looking for Period Drama on YT found North & South. His outstanding acting and stunning looks captivated me. I had to know more about this unknown british actor so I googled him; and that was the beginning of these fabulous two years as an RA fan!
    Happy Birthday Richard!
    Thanks for this lovely post!

  5. Nice RA birhday post, Maria. I was wondering about RA's leonine qualities, so thanks for enlightening us. I thought he may have been on the cusp of Virgo/Leo - he gives the impression that in his work he is a total perfectionists paying lots of attention to every detail. Is there a bit of Virgo there? Thanks also for reminding us of "Just Giving".

  6. @iz4blue,onemorelurker, phylly3,Rafandreamer,mulubinba
    Thanks for being always so kind and supportive.
    And, mulubinba, as for a bit of Virgo in RA... I perfectly know what you mean. I'm one of them! Yes, I agree with you, he has characteristics from both signs. A complex personality I came to admire reading and listening to his many interviews.
    A wonderful weekend to all of you!

  7. Auguri, auguri Richard: buon compleanno!!!
    I'm not a horoscope person, but I see that there are many traits that fit, and others that are Virgo's as well.
    Thank yoy MG for the recap of a year full of goodies from Richard. Just let's hope that next year will be as busy as last one. Yes, I also wish him a bit of rest... between shoots, of course! ;)
    Have a nice Sunday-RA B'day everyone,
    xx KB

  8. @Karen
    Hi! Happy RA B's day to you too! Enjoy your trip to Scotland. Have you met Jamie? Not yet? Good luck! Fingers crossed. Hugs. MG

  9. Cannot believe I missed HIS birthday! But then it's rather normal for me as I manage to miss my family members' birthdays as well!!! Anyway happy delayed b'day, gorgeous Richard! And happy N&S anniversary to you, dear MG! Ciao. A.
