


Monday 24th May. As promised it’s time to reveal who won Marie Burton’s double giveaway. Have you read her interview last weekend? Have you had a look at her amazing site?
Now, I warn you, I had to  leave out of the giveaway those commenters who didn’t add their e-mail addresses - though I may happen to know them - so,  next time the rules of a giveaway are that you should add it , please,  do it! I also left out commenters who explicitly declared they did not want to be entered, of course!

Thus , the remaining names are the following:

1. mel u
2. Nancy
3. The Book Mole
4. buddyt
5. CelticLady
6. Roberta
7. Jennifer
8. amandawk
9. Pricilla
10. Judylynn
11. etirv
12. Linda
13. Bethie
14. Arch
15. Mystica
16. LAMusing
17. Luthien84
18. stiletto storytime

and the winner of the two books given away by Marie Burton is.....

stiletto storytime!!!
Now this giveaway is over and I want to thank Marie Burton for her generousity and kindness but I also want to remind all of you that  there's another great giveaway open on FLY HIGH!
You've got still a week to go on thinking about which of your favourite classics you'd like to see adapted on screen and write it down in a comment on  JUDY'S INTERVIEW, my latest one in MY BLOGGER BUDDIES series. Don't forget to add your e-mail address!
Then, after commenting  (or before, if you prefer) ,  have a look at Judy's precious blogs.

If you love movies and costume drama, you cant miss them! So, to close this posting of mine about giveaways, I'll leave you to  Judy's interview here on FLY HIGH! to have the chance to win THE WITCHFINDERS audiobook (Robin Hood)  read by Richard Armitage!
What about a sample of it?
You only have to  click on the video below. It is one of the clips I made  for my Utube channel. The audio is just taken from the first minutes of this gripping audiostory, The Witchfinders!


  1. Congrats Stiletto!! Thanks to Maria for hosting me as a Blogger buddy!

  2. Thank YOU, Marie, for being such a kind and generous guest! Keep up the great work at your blog! And , of course, thanks to all readers and commenters. Cheers! MG
