


I was tagged by Avalon from Avalon's blog . It was some time ago and I promised her I'd post about it as soon as I could. I know about a month has passed but I so much wanted to keep my promise that I hope  ... it's not too late !
The rules are to grab a book (the nearest book to you), turn to page 123, go to the fifth sentence and post the next five sentences.

I 'm reading When Will There Be Good News? by Kate Atkinson and it is always with me these days: in my bag, at achool, on my bedside table, near my laptop ... Here is what it says at p. 123

"And now the two of them, soft southerners to the core, were living in his homeland, his heartland, while everyday he walked a step further away. And Julia living a country wife beggared belief. He could believe in a billion angels dancing on a pinhead more readily than he could believe in Julia cooking on Aga. Yes, OK, the Dales weren't part of his heritage of dirt and industrial decay, but they were within the boundaries of God's own country, which was also Jackson's own country, flowing in the stream of his blood, laid down in the limestone of his bones even though neither of his parents was born here".

As in the best crime fiction, this book is full of dramatic events and unexpected twists. But it is out of ordinary crime fiction. You'll read a proper review soon on FLY HIGH!

Now its my turn to tag  people and I think it would be interesting to see what the following bloggers are reading: ?????
I'd love to know about you all!!! Let's say, any of you who liked the idea of this tagging as much as I did, please feel tagged and do the same on your blog. Let us know what you are reading on page 123 of your current book!
 Leave us a comment and a url to your post.


Now , something I have to do since Prue Batten and I didn't get any answer to the e- mails we sent to the winner of the giveaway last week. No address, no postage! I'm sorry. But this means another of the kind commenters will get Prue's second book, THE LAST STITCH. Second chance for...




  1. I really hope you like ths book, MG, hopefully as much as I liked it. I love the beautiful use of language and Kate's rather dry humour. I'm reading the third book of the Millennium trilogy, The Girl who kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson at the moment and I made the mistake to start it in a period when my parents are here and I'm very busy too and it's a disaster! My daughter hides the book in the morning and she gives it back to me in the evening to read for a while only, otherwise I wouldn't put it down. Wish you all the best. Ciao. A.

  2. What a fantastic idea...except I do not have a blog of my own so I am going to post it here. (please feel free to remove if that is not cool with you)

    I am currently reading "The Pillars of The Earth" by Ken Follett in anticipation of the mini-series to be shown later this year (yah Matthew Macfadyen!)
    page 123 - after 5th sentence:
    "It sounded as if he had sinned with her in the distant past. He certainly had something to feel guilty about, judging by the way he had made sure Philip did not stay around to learn more."
    Even this guilty secret did not much reduce Philip's opinion of Waleran. Waleran was a priest, not a monk. Chastity had always been an essential part of the monastic way of life, but it never been enforced for priests."

    I do not usually read books set in medieval times as that is not really an interest for me. But because MM is going to be in the miniseries - I decided to read the book. Well I am enjoying it and can't wait to see the miniseries now!

    I am looking forward to discovering other books & authors.

  3. Oh no! My current book is on Kindle. Whatever shall I do? These are the drawbacks of our modern age. It is a very fun concept, and I wish I could participate.

  4. Sounds interesting. I knew your selection would intrigue me.
