


This is an event hosted by Jenny at TakeMeAway . It is a weekly corner to write about good reads from the past. Those books we so much loved and we don't want to forget.
 This week one of my favourite British contemporary novelists, someone who knows how to make me smile and think at the same time while reading, all through his witty, humorous  novels: Nick Hornby. The first of his works I read was ABOUT A BOY (1998) and it is another of those book I like to read to/with my students. They are teenagers like one of the protagonsists of the novel, Marcus. Instead,  I'm an adult -  well I hope a more responsible and less shallow one - like the other main character, Will Freeman.  We can compare ourselves on the same story, which is both emotional and utterly entertaining. About a boy is really about the  embarassing, hilarious, awful grounds where adults and kids can meet.

Will is  36 but acts like a teenager. Single, child-free and still feeling cool, he reads the right magazines, goes to the right clubs and knows which trainers to wear. He's also discovered a great way to score with women at single parents' groups, full of grateful available mothers, all looking for Mr Nice Guy.
That's when Will meets Marcus, 12. The oldest 12-year-old in the world. Marcus is odd, bizzarre, especially to Will. He listens to Mozart and likes Joni Mitchell! He takes care of his mother and does his best to make her happy and proud of him. Maybe Will can teach Marcus how to be a kid , but, of course Marcus will help Will to grow up. In the end both learn to act their age.

ABOUT A BOY is  also a movie  I love . I hit it off with the story when I saw it at the cinema (2002)  and  it was one of those rare occasions in which I first saw the film then bought the book.  Hugh Grant is Will, Nicholas Hoult is Marcus, Toni Collette is Fiona - Marcus's mother and Rachel Weisz is Rachel.


  1. Oh, I just love this movie! I've read some parts of the book in a bookshop such a long time ago, but never had the opportunity of reading everything. This story is very nice and very true nowadays. Many adults act as if they were children and many children have to grow up so quickly to deal with life!

  2. Hi MG, I absolutely love About a Boy, the book, the movie and above all Nick Hornby. He's funny, clever and very modest in spite of all his success. Got all his books signed (and first editions) apart from his last Juliet, Naked. The film is the ultimate favourite in our family, can't get bored with it. Check out his diary/blog at
    Ciao. A.

  3. Hi Maria, I really like Nick Hornby - I think my favourites by him are High Fidelity (that one was a great film too, with John Cusack) and How to Be Good - also liked his latest one, Juliet, Naked. About a Boy wasn't one of my favourites by him but I did like it a lot and also the movie with Hugh Grant, who is still one of my favourite actors despite being so typecast these days...
