



JA Challenge 2010


• Anyone can participate. This challenge is hosted by The Life (and Lies) of an Inanimate Flying Object


Newbie 2 books by J. Austen & 2 re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)

Lover 4 books by J. Austen & 4 re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)

Fanatic 6+ books by J. Austen & 5+ re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)

-Challenge books can overlap with other challenges.

-Any format counts: bound book, e-book (check online for free downloads of J.A’s copyright-free books), audio book, or any other thing you can think of.

-You can change which level you read!

-Challenge runs January 1st 2010—December 31 2010.

From now on, I'm going to post for this Challenge   on MY JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB.
This month I'm re-reading Northanger Abbey for my reading group at the library, or MY JA BOOK CLUB,  in order to be ready for our meeting on 27th February. Since I'm going to post about NA from time to time till the end of the month, I'll consider all the posting work part of this challenge. Then of course, I'll go on with the other major novels and, finally, I have to choose some Austen-based books and ... my list is done. Let's say I'll try to take part for the Lover level . Here's my first post for this challenge : NORTHANGER ABBEY: A FEMINIST NOVEL? TROUBLED PUBLICATION & QUIZZES

This could be the first book in the list for this challenge among the re-writes, sequels, Austen - based fiction. Yesterday I found Carrie Bebris "The Intrigue at Highbury" in my mail box, with a dedication of the author, a kind note by the same in Italian (!!!) on a lovely   Pemberley card, some leaflets showing all her works published by TEA in Italy. GREAT!!! I was so happy! I had won this copy of the book at Stephanie's Written Word some time ago.

I also posted about it. Do you remember? (Here)

Thank you Ana, at ANECA'S WORLD. You've just made my day ! I love receiving awards! Indeed.

A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive… keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content.

1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!

2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.

3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to this post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.

4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (Click here for the Mr. Linky page.)

I am going to pass this award on to the following greatly prolific bloggers:

1.Jane GS

2. M.Gray


4. MrsThorntonDarcy

5. Katherine

6. Stephanie

7. Lunarossa


  1. Congrats on the Award! I am also participating in the Jane Austen Challenge...good luck :)

  2. Congratulations for the award and thank you for passing it on to me as well. Much appreciated! Also congratulations for winning the novel, it sounds really intriguing. The Jane Austen Challenge looks interesting too. Might take part too if I can get organized! Snow again here...Hugs. Ciao. A.

  3. Hey, thanks Maria!! I can't believe all the stuff you do on your blog! I'm such a slacker compared to you!!

  4. How exciting to have a signed copy of the book and how kind of the author to write her comments in Italian!
    Thank you so much for the award Maria! :) I'm designing a special page for it.

  5. Thank you so much MG! I wish I could be a prolific blogger as you are! Oh, how much I wanted to enter in all those challenges, but this year I won't have enough time! And it is so nice the author wrote in Italian!

  6. Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it along to me :)

    I love the image--only wish my office was that tidy!

  7. Thank you so much Maria, you are too kind. I am greatly honored and most undeserving. I am so happy for you ad your signed copy of The Intrigue at Highbury. I plan on reading it soon too and look forward to sharing thoughts with you about it!

    Congrats to the other winners!!
