


I like to think that it was impossible for  me to escape my destiny ... Though it is a very pleasant destiny. It has been impossible for me to avoid the chance of  meeting him on my path . Him. Richard Armitage. And once you meet him... You know, it's always the same old  story, familiar to so many .
 I love period drama and Victorian literature and he is Mr Thornton (2005). I love Art, especially the Impressionists (have you seen my avatar?) and he is Young Monet (2006). I've been fond of Spooks since its first series (2002) and he joined the cast in 2008 as Lucas North. Then, once you're caught under his spell, you find yourself doing things you would have never expected from yourself. "Being  fan of an actor!?!"  "Watching a Robin Hood series and like it!?! Buying the DVD of a  series called "Between the Sheets"!?! Listening to audiobooks!?! Reading a bestselling war novel meant for men!? !( I'd have other examples , but I prefer to stop) "No, thanks!" I would answer a couple of years ago. But I've done it. All of that. And I'm glad I did it. It's been such a great pleasure. It has made my life less dull and ...

But,  what was the aim of my post? Richard and Art. Yes! Well, sorry. I'm so sorry for this long digression. Let's go back to the point.


Acting is an art, but what I mean here is visual Art, painting precisely. Richard Armitage seems very sensitve to all arts: he loves literature and theatre, he studied music and can play the cello and the flute, he had singing and dance lessons to perform in musical plays,  he can even paint. But when he was chosen to be the Young Monet in the BBC 2006 series "The Impressionists" he had to improve his skills.
 Have you seen this series? I loved it. It was a feast to my eyes: my favourite paintings were all there and young Monet, my favourite painter, had those deep blue eyes, deep smooth voice e long elegant hands....

How easily I got distracted by the man? Too much. Again, back to the point, MG!

RA told in his interviews how he was trained by  the series artist and consultant, Leo Stevenson. “Painting is not just about technique, it’s about body language – it’s a whole psychology," he said. "Monet painted at great speed and was lavish in his use of colour.”

Richard  was fascinated by the process and eager to learn more. “The artist on set taught us particular brushstrokes and how to mix paints and I knocked up a reproduction Monet in rehearsals. It wasn’t bad!”
He said of his artistic instruction, “I’ve really enjoyed finding out about Monet’s technique – how he mixed the paint on the canvas, dragging it across the surface and letting it dry in ridges. And it’s been funny discovering the problems of painting outside. Sand in the paint, gusts of wind, leaves and flies getting stuck in the oils, easels falling over – Monet had to deal with all of them.”

I'm afraid, this is not a review of THE IMPRESSIONISTS (BBC 2006), you see. It is just a reflection on how multi-talented Richard Armitage can be and how sensitive and thoroughful he is in everything he does. Anyhow, if you want a good review of this drama, which  I loved seeing, you can find it at Judy's

In conclusion, have you noticed how contagious RA's artistic temper can be? Most of his fans have turned into highly creative human beings, starting to  use their hidden or revealed talents in order to express their gratitude for and esteem of his work. The Net is a continuous overflowing of stunning graphic art, drawings,  fan fiction and last but not least blogs (don't they require creativity?) dedicated to him.
For example, thanks to Natalie's RichardArmitageFanBlog I've just discovered a talented painter who enjoys portraying Richard (as John Thornton or Guy of Gisborne) but also other costume drama heroes. Her nick is couleurjane and she is greatly talented at  watercolour. Have a look at her Thornton and Gisborne.

Watercolour wonders, aren't they? If you want, you can go and see, on her Utube channel , how from a simple pencil drawing she gets to these amazing coloured portraits. Then, to visit her gallery, go to her site . You'll find also beautiful portraits of Austen heroes from the screen.

Now, after my weekly fix of RA related rambling, I wish you all the best of the weekends!

P.S.Many thanks to  Nat at RichardArmitageFanBlog ,  Annette  at RichardArmitageOnline and couleurjane 


  1. couleurjane has some fantastic paintings - thanks for the link to her site! :) You're quite right, RA brings out the artist in all of us. I think it's great that he's so artistic and interested not just in acting but other art forms as well. What a man! *Swoon*

  2. He's an artist not an actor, so nice! I've no artistic talents, but I like all kind of arts so much! Monet is a favourite of mine since I'm 9 and I read a book about his life, although Renoir is the love of my life when it comes to painting...

  3. Thanks Maria. after watching RA in The Impressionists I made a special trip down to Sydney to see the Monet exhibition that was on here a year ago. I found it stunning! Had it not been for RA's portrayal of young Monet along with the other Impressionists I might have missed the opportunity to see their wonderful paintings in real life!!

  4. I've loved the Impressionist style of painting since the first time I saw it. I had a board game as a child called "Masterpiece" where you could pretend you were bidding at an art auction. My favourites were Renoir and Monet!
    Anyway, I am longing to see this movie. I will be purchasing it very shortly (it's on my wishlist for my birthday) so we'll see...
    I am constanly amazed by Richard's talent. You are so right Luciana that he is indeed an artist, as he seems to create a full-fledged soul from the snippets of dialogue or direction that is given to him.
    And he is a Muse as even I have been inspired by him to create and experience new things which before I might have been reluctant to do.

  5. This is what I have adored about being an admirer of Richard Armitage -- getting to know his wonderful, creative fans.
