


Well, we are still on holidays, still in the good festive mood of Christmas time, so last night I decided to watch this modern fairy-tale they broadcast on Tv last week and I recorded because I didn’t have time to watch it then. Now, as usual, I couldn’t resist telling you about it. Guess what? I love stories featuring good feelings, I love music, I love romances, I love New York ( was there twice many years ago and long for going back at least once in my life) … and all of that was in this movie. It reminded me of Oliver Twist – do you remember Dickens's little orphan brought up in a workhouse who found himself in dangerous London and was exploited , with other poor young fellows, by wicked Fagin and Sykes? August Rush is a similar story set in contemporary US (New York, Boston) is much less realistic but much more poetic and romantic.

The plot moves back and forwards between eleven years ago and nowadays. Eleven years ago on a moonlit rooftop above Washington Square, Lyla Novacek (Keri Russell), a well-off young cellist, and Louis Connelly (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), a charismatic Irish singer-songwriter, were drawn together by a street musician's rendition of ''Moondance'' and fell in love. After the most romantic night of her life, Lyla promised to meet Louis again but, despite her protests, her father rushed her to her next concert--leaving Louis to believe that she didn't care. Disheartened, he found it impossible to continue playing and eventually abandoned his music while Lyla, her own hopes for love lost, was led to believe months later that she had also lost their unborn child in a car accident. After eleven years, their orphaned son Evan (Freddie Highmore) escapes from the orphanage where he was brought up and escapes to New York where he uses his musical talent as a clue to find his birth parents. But he meets a dangerous guy, Maxwell Wallace "Wizard" , (Robin William) who houses several orphans and runaways and  wants to exploit Evan's extraordinary talent to his own advantage…

Music is very important in this film. Composer Mark Mancina spent over 18 months composing the film's musical score. The heart of the story is how we respond and connect through music. It's about this young boy who believes that he's going to find his parents through his music. That's what drives him. The final theme

This movie is not for everyone:  it requires suspension of disbelief to accept a rather implausible plot, no reservation against sentimental tales. These defects are compensated by a talented cast, evocative music and visual poetry. Not a masterpiece but a nice sweet way to spend a couple of hours.


  1. I saw this movie first on a plane (with the sound off -- because I didn't get the earphones). I thought it looked wonderful and right up my alley and I couldn't wait to rent it, and watch it properly!
    Boy, what a disapointment I had when I finally heard the silly dialogue. (Maybe it sounds better in Italian!)
    I thought the idea was great, the acting was good, the cinematography was excellent, but I just couldn't get over the things that were coming out of their mouths. I guess I am not an admirer of Jonathan Rhys Meyers either. (I can't abide him as Henry VIII.)
    And I am a music lover too, so I don't think the score really spoke to me either, for some reason.
    I just thought it was wierd how a movie about music could be enjoyed more by me with no sound! Go figure, eh?
    Sorry, if I sound so negative but that was just my experience with this movie. (Strange but true! LOL)

  2. I had hoped to see this movie when it was first released, but never had the opportunity. Then...I promptly forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder as I would still like to check it out (although I will remember to suspend disbelief when I do so).

  3. @phylly3
    Any comment, especially if kind and well-constructed like yours, is always welcome. Even or despite it doesn't share my opinion. It'll make discussion more interesting and lively. Thanks for your contribution!
    If you like fairy-tales, this is a modern one. Suspension of disbelief (and even logic) must be suspended. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

  4. I wanted to see this but never got a chance. Just added it to my netflix queue!

  5. I thought August Rush was quite a touching romance for this modern era. (I like Keri Russell in almost anything) I love happy endings especially when families are reunited. I just did not care for Robin Williams and the parts that involved him and the juvenile delinquents. I think the writers could have came up with a better, more believable, conflict.
    Good review. I always like to read your thoughts and opinions.

  6. @Jenny
    Hi! Thanks for dropping by, J. I hope you'll like it once you manage to see it.
    You are right, this is not the best Robin Williams we've seen so far but as you correctly point out it depends on the script. He did his best as usual. Thank for being so kind, Avalon.

  7. I can't decide which movie I like more: August Rush or Stardust. I never took this movie as a serious realistic story, but enjoyed the fairytale. It is one of the few movies I can watch back to back. The music is wonderful, the casting is wonderful, and by the end I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I like watching Robin Williams as a good character, but I enjoyed his performance in this movie. I absolutely hated him by the end! He was great. :-)
