

RA Photo Friday: Richard being Richard

When Richard Armitage's fans are asked to vote in polls and choose among his several characters, usually , John Thornton comes first with Guy of Gisborne at very little distance, followed by Lucas North and Harry Jasper Kennedy. But if they added Richard himself in those polls,  I'd choose him. I absolutely love to listen to and watch Richard himself talking about his work, his characters, his likes and dislikes, his memories, his hopes and dreams. So ... my thread for this week RA Photo Friday is ... Richard playing HIMSELF in ... interviews.

The first cap is taken from the extras in  NORTH & SOUTH DVD. Don't you find that Richard's look has greatlly improved lately? That necklace (OMG) with a classic suit has disappeared, at least! But it was a pleasure to listen to him telling the story of how he had become MrThornton, at the time.

Promoting Robin Hood series 2

Telling about how different Guy was from series 1 : "No comment about the style of acting, please!"

From Robin Hood 2 DVD - Extras

Analysing  Guy with Lucas North's hair-style

Remembering laughing out loud in a train while reading the script for Vicar of Dibley Special . How much we laughed and dreamt too watching him wooing Geraldine!

Telling about instant chemistry between him and Daniela Denby-Ashby ... Affairs of the Heart!

Promoting Spooks 7 while filming Robin Hood 3

Promoting Robin Hood 3 while filming Spooks 8

What can you discover of the man , watching and listening to all his interviews and, especially, reading all the articles and interviews in magazines and newspapers? A lot, indeed.
What I was particularly glad to discover was ...
Richard loves ... ALL THINGS ITALIAN... everything from the food to the language, he’d love to speak it but – he said at the time of the interview – “I’m currently reduced to talking in English with an Italian accent”! If I can teach English to Italians, couldn't I manage to teach Italian to AN English man? (Not ANY man, though!) I'm ready, for free. Any moment!

What does he hate? What we all love! Hear it, hear this ...

“I hate watching myself on screen. I hate the sound of my voice, the way I look, everything. It’s all completely excruciating.”

 ( for more about LOVES & HATES follow this url


  1. Oh, I absolutely LOVE your blog! You have such wonderful taste in books and movies! Richard Armitage was AMAZING in North and South. Simply amazing. And what a humble guy! I love your final quote.

  2. Love this post, Maria. I totally agree with you. Richard as Richard is really why I am so over the moon about him. I've read and watched many actor's interviews , but never have I been so attracted to anyone's personality before. Everytime I find out something new about him it amazes me even more how fantastic he is!
    The best thing about him is his sense of humour, which is why I liked him as Harry so much. I wish he'd be cast in more comedies. Romantic comedies are my favourite!

  3. Thanks for this Maria. I loved the last interview he gave - the RH series 3 one ... he seemed more relaxed in that. Photo number 5 was the BBCA Q&A session where we got to send in questions and he tried to answer them as best he could. I teamed up with a friend and we composed the question about which Shakespeare character Guy was most like, as at the time we thought he (Guy) had a Shakespearian quality about him.

  4. Thank you for this 'inside RA' post, MG! :)
    Like Mulubinba, I loved the BBCA Q&A, and most of all his reaction at the LG question :D.
    One of my favourite interviews is the Radio5 he did promoting The Impressionist: it's a long and articulated interview, he talks very freely about several subjects, including his fanbase.
    I also have a soft spot for last spring's GMTV interview, for very personal reasons <3

    @ MG: "If I can teach English to Italians, couldn't I manage to teach Italian to AN English man? (Not ANY man, though!) I'm ready, for free. Any moment!"

    Ha! Keep the (looong) line, Sister! :-P

  5. Get in the queue, der MG! I'm pretty sure many of us Italian ladies would die for the opportunity of teaching him Italian! Lovely post. But how can you find the time to collect everything together? Do you ever sleep? Have a great weekend. Ciao. A.

  6. Send him an email. You might get lucky

  7. @M.Gray,phylly3,Mulubinba,mrsKarenBlixen, lunarossa
    Just wanted to thank you ladies and girls! So busy... OK, I'll queue up respectfully ... I'll wait for my turn ... But when is it mine?!?

  8. @Mo
    I didn't mean to neglect you, Mo! But I only found your comment after sending mine in! I'd never dare bothering Richard. It's just a joke, of course. Though I wouldn't mind teaching him at all!

  9. Yes, I agree, his style has improved.
    Great post, it seems you took your time and effort and it shows.
    Would you really be able to teach him Italian or would you get lost in his eyes....or get caught up in his dreamy smile...And forget how to talk period? lol, I would....

  10. @Avalon
    I'm usually very professional in my job and also quite demanding... no excuses, straight to the task but ... it'll be hard with such a pupil, you're right!
