


... then watching period movies and dramas, relaxing, chatting with my dear ones near the fireplace, to make much of this time... I really hope I'll have enough time to do as much as I'd like to. But I must be realistic ... family -  and the house too -  have their demands and little spare time is left. Let's see what I can manage. First of all I'm finishing THE PROFESSOR by Charlotte Bronte and preparing a proper review for the beginning of January as one of my first tasks in the ALL ABOUT THE BRONTES Challenge.

Then I 've started  reading INTIMATIONS OF AUSTENS, a collection of short stories inspired by the world of Jane Austen,  written by one of my favourite blogger buddie, very sensitive and talented Jane Greensmith. I usually follow her at Reading, Writing, Working, Playing and there I won my copy of Intimations in a giveaway. I've just read the first two short stories and ... I can't wait to read them all. I love Jane GS's  style, it's lyrical , you find yourself immersed in  a "pure" Astenesque atmosphere (and last but not least, no vampires nor monsters so far!) Oh, the first one! My beloved Wentworth! But I'll stop here for ... also in this case I'm preparing a proper review.

By the way, I'm almost embarassed by my luck this year ... I've just received a mail  from Stephanie at Stephanie's Written Word which says ... I've won a copy of THE INTRIGUE AT HIGHBURY by Carrie Bebris signed by the author ... unbelievable,  it is the fourth time in a few months I win a book in giveaways. But I'm so happy, I really love books and always treasure them as the most pleasant enriching gifts. An Austen based detective story, I'm so curious!

From reading to watching. My TBW pile is definitely huge. Impossible to see all those DVDs in the next days but ... what I'm sure of is that I want to see the final episode of SPOOKS 8 airing tonight at 9 on BBC 1. I won't see it tonight, of course,  but I hope in a Christmas gift from my little fairy - always ready to help me - in the next hours.
Above,  the last image of Lucas North we will see in this series . Will he survive the blast? We'll have to wait about a year to know!
Meanwhile, let's have a look at the trailer of this last episode ...

What about period drama and costume movies? Don't worry! I'm going to watch and review several things I hope you'll like.

Have you got snow in your country? We've had some on the mountains all around in the last days, but not as much as in the North of  Italy ( I live in the centre, near Rome) . They are having serious problems there as for transport: airports and railways are blocked by the snow just when lots of people are going to leave for their holidays! Why can't snow mean joy and pleasure for everybody, as it is for the little girl in this wonderful picture?

(this photo is taken from Mo's wonderful blog  FRESH EYES ON LONDON)



  1. Hello! I hope you have a very happy Christmas with your family and that you finally be able to do all you want to! The weather in Europe is really hard this month, I've seen on TV... I, on the other hand, have to live with 34ºC in Christmas time... Again, Buon Natale!

  2. I'll be watching to see your response to this episode of Spook 8. Is it an awesome show?

  3. @Luciana
    Thanks Luciana! Buon Natale anche a te. I hope you'll have a very relaxing and peaceful time. I can't imagine what Christmas may be like in hot weather but it must be great! Merry Christmas!
    Yes, it. It is one of the best spy dramas on since 2003. I've seen all the series so far. They've changed many actors but it has remained very good.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Christmas like you wish! :)

  5. @Katherine
    I wish you the best Christmas time, too. Thank you, K.!

  6. Happy Christmas, Maria. With much love, x mulubinba.

  7. @Mulubinba
    Thank you! A very Merry christmas to you too!Big Hug!MG

  8. Merry Christmas Maria, and to also to all who enjoy your fabulous blog! We have snow here but not as much as usual. Apparently the snowmobilers are tearing up the ground across the street. Tsk!
    I hope to enjoy some new reading and am longing to see the last episode of Spooks. I probably won't have time until after Christmas.
    All the best of the season!

  9. I will have to see how I can catch up watching Spook 8.

    I watched The Tennant of Wildfell Hall last night. I really enjoyed it! It was really dark though. My husband groaned that it sounded like the worst movie ever created. Sheesh. No faith in the Bronte's! I just Googled her. Her book was immediately sold out! I knew it was good! ;)

  10. @phylly3
    Best wishes for a peaceful and joyous Christmas time to you. I hope you have time to enjoy reading and the last episode of Spooks 8 - get ready, it is so tense and full of emotions. Thanks for being always so kind!
    The Tenant is a good novel and I also liked the BBC adaptation. I read the book and saw the DVD just last summer. I've posted about them here on Fly High. Thanks for commenting. Happy holidays!
