


I had already planned to post about  "thunders and lightenings" on this Friday but I must admit that I didn't expect it would be ... my mood ! I won't bother you with my complaining about useless school afternoon meetings, bosses and colleagues and I'll instead go straight to the point. Which is ...

How is it possible that a very kind Northern British gentleman, usually so self-controlled and polite, turns out so  incredibly nervous, aggressive and even furious?

He must be an actor ...  a very good one ... an amazingly talented actor: Richard Armitage!

Furious John Thornton

Furious Guy of Gisborne

Furious Lucas North

Excellent performances. Richard Armitage gives his best in these scenes (not that I don't like him in others!). And , listening or watching to his interviews, then seeing him like this , makes everything even more astonishing:  he actually transforms himself into the character , he becomes another person. The miracle of acting!
Have you ever noticed this "magic" watching  the effect of passing from Richard  - quietly chatting on the sofa, quite shy as he looks -  to wild angry Guy? If you haven't - but I doubt that - or you don't remember,  just  click on the link  below  and you'll understand...

I can't wait to see tonight's episode 5 of Spooks new series. It won't be possible to beat episode 4 since the rollercoaster of emotions was stunning ... or will it ? Never say never.

You'll find RA PHOTO FRIDAY also at Mulubinba's blog and at Day Seventeen
Then before watching ep. 5 , have a look at a very good review of SPOOKS 0804 at



  1. Never say never! I love your attitude. Let's hope it'll be excellent anyway!

    Hmmmm, I prefer angry Thornton out of all the Angries. It's the clothes and interesting sideburns.
    Thanks for tagging my site Maria.

  2. Excellent interview clip you found! I hadn't seen that one before. It really shows you the real Richard -- and that is why we love him so!
    I also enjoyed his angry tirade at the Russian. Good for you Lucas -- for giving some of that back!!

  3. For some reason I cannot get the video to play! But great photos and I prefer the stormy yet vigorous and sexy Guy.

  4. @Ragtag, phylly3, Avalon
    So one for JT, one for Lucas and one for Guy. Deuce. But it is not a tennis match!
    I'm sorry you can't see the interview, Avalon. I've just checked and the link works perfectly. Try again. It's really worth watching. Thanks for commenting girls. Have a great weekend!

  5. Lovely interview and screencaps, Maria. Thank you! What a great theme for a photo Friday. I like all the angry RA characters but I am very grateful that I was not on the receiving end from any of them.
