


Would you rather meet this gorgeous athletic GUY along a  path in the woods,  offering you a big hug and a warm smile, while you are going for a long solitary  walk ...

.... or  this dark  handsome  bloke asking for a lift, while you are  driving to work at crazy prime time?

If I can choose ... BOTH. ;-)

Now ... let's go back to reality and seriousness. Let's regain our composure.

Since Friday is  SPOOKS 8 day on BBC3 digital channel, let's say something about this much awaited episode 4... It has been  announced as the best so far and it is focused on LUCAS NORTH. His dramatic past is back to haunt him! It seems there will be a very close meeting between CIA and MI5... under the duvet ! I can't wait but , unfortunately, I'll have to! My "little fairy" ( Merryweather ) is on holiday  ( she really deserves a great one!) and can't help me tonight with her magic. So, if you can, enjoy shirtless Lucas and his tattoos, his "fights under the duvet", his haunting memories from the Russian years for me too!  Don't be too worried about the torture scenes, it's just a flashback! 
Great tension, suspence and ... action. Take a look at the pictures below.


  1. I'm hurrying because of a project so I'll just answer your question: I'm not a very woody person, so I'd rather give Lucas North a lift than meet Guy in the woods. His hair is also a important part for my decision here! Gotta run!

  2. @Luciana
    I like Guy's long hair! I've always been fascinated by 19th century long hair style for men. Well, I know Gisborne is a medieval character!Anyhow, I don't mind his wild look.
    I found him extremely attractive. If I had to choose which one to go out for dinner...maybe I'd go with Lucas.

  3. I am looking forward to seeing this episode Maria - but like you, I have to rely on a kind person to post it up on the internet. I would prefer to see it on TV (the "correct way") but our ABC takes such a long time to air BBC shows and I am impatient!

    As you would predict, I prefer Lucas to Guy .... I like RA's hair medium length though as in George Gently and Vicar of Dibley. (It may be the fringe?). As an aside, I had the screencap of Guy (above) cenored on my photobucket account. Photobucket claimed it was "offensive material". I suspect a few people were hypothesizing that the wounds on his hands were the result of self harm or stigmata and the photos were reported to the photobucket admin. The censorship only happened to a few of us....?

  4. @mulubinba
    I didn't even notice Guy's left hand was injured, but now you told me...Aren't stigmata meant to be on both hands? Anyhow, if this is offensive material, I'm absolutely astonished! Lucas is my favourite one too ... but I'm really attracted to Guy. Difficult choice!

  5. What a treat these photos are, I'll go look for the episodes online as soon as the series end so I can watch them all in a row. :-)

  6. @Ana T.
    I couldn't wait so long... unfortunately! I'm quite ... addicted, I must confess. So,I'm watching them each episode at a time. What a great episode this n. 4 was! Richard /Lucas was awsomely good, touching in more than one moment.

  7. Man, I would tackle Guy if I found him in the forest and take him captive....ever seen misery? lol, no but seriously...I like him as Gisborne in 3rd series best.

    It is a hard wait for that Spooks 8 DVD. .....
