



It's an important day in my blogolife: I just started blogging on 23rd November 2008. Exactly one year ago, I opened an account on Splinder and started posting materials for my eldest students (they are all university students now!) in order to help them cope with the study of English literature. Have you ever had a look at LEARNONLINE? It has always more visitors than FLY HIGH! at the end of the day but my two blogs are not in a competition. Then, I never find comments on LEARNONLINE, while on FLY HIGH! we have interesting discussions, sometimes,  don't we?
My first posts there were about Jane Austen and her novels (predictable?). They were  rather "primitive", I was an absolute beginner! If you want to get an idea, click HERE, HERE and HERE.


What a better way to celebrate an anniversary than receiving a gift? That is what happened to me this morning: checking my e-mail before going to school, I found a message from JANE GS at READING, WRITING, WORKING & PLAYING which said that I had won her book INTIMATIONS OF AUSTEN in her giveaway. I was and am so glad! I do want to read this collection of short stories based on Austen's novels and to receive it from the writer herself ... What an honour! You can read reviews of this book at
2. Gofita's Pages
3.  Lit and Life
4.  First Impressions: A Tale of Less Pride & Prejudice
5.  Austenblog
I can't wait to get it and read it. You'll be the first to know, of course!

This time it is in Italian and it is about school. I love how this writer and teacher, Marco Lodoli, tells stories about his experience at school. He can make all of us aware and ashame of the declining  situation of our Education System but at the same time his stories and anecdotes can be so motivational! Like him, I'm sure young people can be our hope for a better present and future and we must work hard in order to communicate with them, learning to listen to them ... But we teachers are so little used to listening! We are always speaking!
Well, I just started this book at lunchtime, while waiting for my son's coming out of school in the car. It opens with Lodoli's memories of his being a pupil at primary school in the 60s ... I was moved to tears at page 3 already! It seemed as if I had written those memories 'cause I  lived the same experiences and felt the same emotions - though it was in the 70s . He is just few years older than me.
It sounds a beautiful book, indeed.


If you loved BBC CRANFORD, you'll find a nice gift under your Christmas tree ... CLICK HERE


  1. Double congratulations! On the anniversary and winning the books! You've been very lucky lately! Have a nice week!

  2. @Luciana
    Incredibly lucky! So lucky I've started worrying ...You know, we say "who's lucky with gambling is not lucky with love" .So, what is going to happen? I've never won one thing in my life and now, in the last couple of months, 3 books. And I treasure my books... I'll go and check if my husband is still at home. ;-)

  3. Happy Birthday to your fabulous blog! I enjoy it very much. Thanks for all your insightful postings. It inspires me to do more reading of the classics. Your students are very lucky to have you as a teacher, I hope they realize!
    Plus, they do say that good luck comes in 3's so maybe you will have a dry spell for awhile!

  4. @phylly3
    So I'm right to be worried! OMG, what is going to happen then? But I checked earlier and my husband was still there and ... in a good mood too! My sons are here with us and I'm not superstitious! What dry spell can fall on me? Won't I win books for a while? I'm already so happy and satisfied, I'll pass the turn to other lucky ones very willingly.
    Joking, of course. Thanks Phylly! ;-)

  5. Congratulations on your first anniversary--I've so enjoyed getting to know you and you've enlightened me with your wonderful, insightful posts. The RA photos aren't bad either :)

    Book was posted today!

  6. @Jane GS
    Thanks you, Jane! For appreciating, being so king and, especially, for being such a precious blogger mate!

  7. Congratulations, MG! So great you've made it so far and keep on going. I'm in a sort of "blogger's block" and I'm tempted to delete my blog and devote myself to something else. I'm so busy otherwise and it takes me too much time to find something interesting (or not) to write about. Anyway, whatever happens I will keep on reading you. All the best. Ciao. A.

  8. @lunarossa
    Thank you but I hope you'll change your mind as for blogging! I like your posts from England! Take care!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS, Maria Grazia!!!! I'm happy to have found you and your blog!!! LOVE

  10. @Elvira
    Thank you!And I'm happy I discovered yours and I met an extraordinary blogger like you! Big Kiss!
