


I've just read this article online on two different sites and just wanted to share. SPOOKS 8 is scheduled to be broadcast very soon, in October, on BBC1. Series 7 DVD will be released just in the same period, October 12th.
In this interview Richard Armitage reveals exciting details about Lucas, his character, in the new season: a love affair with a blonde American spy (do you want to see her? have a look at my slide "Filming Spooks 8" in the right column), dramatic flashbacks in his past captivity in a Russian prison, a new friendship at MI5 with an intelligent female colleague who is back after some time (do you remember Ruth?). I'm so keen on this series, you know. I haven't missed an episode since Matthew MacFadyen's time. Now, since "my one weakness", aka RA, has landed on my favourite modern drama series, I can't miss a second of it!
If you are a fan of SPOOKS or Richard Armitage and want to read this article try here
or here
or simply CLICK on the image above to see it larger.


  1. I'm SO excited! I don't know how much longer I could go with no new RA! lol I am almost equally as happy to see Ruth back! After RA and MM she has been my favorite character. I actually cried a little when she had to leave. We are kindred spirits, both have heads FULL of useless historical facts. lol

  2. Yay for Lucas North!!!
    Too bad we won't get to see it in the states for a while...
    I'm going to feature Spooks stuff next week too ~great RA minds think alike. :)

  3. I just love Spooks - most of the time I don't really follow what's going on but I love it all the same - I have no idea which series we are up to (we see it on Hallmark or BBC Prime) but who cares - as long as I know more are coming!!

  4. Sounds like a great program. too bad I dont have TV

  5. I hate the wait, especially since am not in England.

  6. This totally sucks! I mean, it's great, but it also means that I can't watch it, 'cause here in Brazil the two channels that broadcasted it canceled it for some TERRIBLE reason!

  7. I can't wait to watch this. Thanks for posting it! ;-)

  8. I absolutely adore Spooks. I will be interested to see more of Lucas in Series 8 and how his character is developed. Thanks Maria.
