


It's just lovely, isn't it? Nice promising cover for a good historical book. And intriguing title too. No, this is not a review of this novel. Why? Because I haven't read it. Not yet, at least! Are you curious to know why this cute picture of a book cover is here? Well, like it or not, I'm proud to introduce you ... my first win ever. Yes, I've just been informed that I won this book and I am immensely happy since I've never won a penny or a teddy- bear in my life!

Listen to this! One of my Net friends, Ms Lucy, hosted Michelle Moran, the author of Cleopatra's Daughter, in her wonderful blog ENCHANTED BY JOSEPHINE , on August 30, and linked to the event there was a givaway of an autographed copy of the book. I read the interview and commented convinced that, as usual, I wouldn't read that book without buying a copy at Amazon. No hope of winning, just commented to say I'd love to read Ms Moran's new novel. So, when on September 10th I checked Ms Lucy's blog to see who the winner was, no surprise at reading ... APRIL. The surprise was today when I found a comment signed by Lucy under my latest post - a bit out of focus but so welcome! - which said : "Maria Grazia!!! Did you see my post about the winner of Cleopatra's Daughter...??GO CHECK IT OUT!!!"

Now, Enchanted by Josephine is in my blogroll and I immediately know when something new is on. I've had a look at it this morning and commented the latest post I found there. How could it be that APRIL was ... MARIA GRAZIA? Very simply but unexpectedly, April has renounced her copy 'cause she had alredy won the same book from another blog! Great. Thank you, April. I'm so happy, as happy as a child blowing off candles on her birthday cake. I'm looking forward to having this precious gift in my hands. Thanks Lucy!

By the way, Enchanted by Josephine is organizing an interesting charming event. If you like historical fiction , On September 14th to September 18th, you are cordially invited to attend:

But someone much more fascinating and talented than me won a very prestigious prize this afternoon and he really deserves it: our beloved Mr Darcy 1995, COLIN FIRTH, has just won the COPPA VOLPI at Venice Film Festival as the protagonist of the movie A SINGLE MAN. He plays the role of a gay teacher in this film directed by Tom Ford.

Congratulations MR FIRTH/DARCY!!!


  1. Congratulations! It was high time you won something! :-)

  2. @Elvira
    Thanks Elvira! You see? It's never too late.

  3. Congratulations- I'm so happy the book is going to someone who will absolutely cherish it:)

    Thanks so much for posting about our HF Event as well- you're wonderful!

  4. Congratulations! That does look like a really good book =)

  5. @Ms Lucy & Steph
    You are always so kind, girls? Do I deserve such wonderful blogger mates? Hugs.

  6. Congratulations MG! I'm very happy for you! I've never won a thing in giveaways, but I'm very happy when good people win! And congratulations to CF too! I absolutely adore every movie he has done so far. I hope I'll like this one!

  7. @Luciana
    A gay teacher is not what we are used to imagining when we think of Colin Firth, but it must be a masterful mesmerizing performance if it brought him the Venice award as best actor. Thanks, Luciana, for your kind words. Hope you can win too, sooner or later. Meanwhile, have a great weekend!

  8. This is so great Maria! COngratulations to You AND to Mr. Darcy/Firth. I saw some clips of him in Dorian Gray, I can't wait for it to come out!

  9. @Jenny Kerr
    Thanks, J. I too hope Dorian Gray will come out soon here in Italy. Have a very good Sunday!

  10. Congratulations, MG! Well deserved! So happy that Colin won something finally. He's such a great actor and a wonderful man! Unfortunately some of his films aren't that good (see Where the Truth Lies, Trauma, Genova), but he still plays at his best in them. I hope I can manage to see Dorian Gray next week, as it is one of my favourite books. Pity you're not here as we could go together! Ciao. A.

  11. @lunarossa
    Hi there! Your connection is back, it seems. I'm happy about that. I haven't seen the films you mention but I'm as sure as you are he was good in them, as he usally is.
    Unfortunately, I'll be totally involved in the beginning of a new school year from next Tuesday on, but I can think over a quick weekend with cinema in York... Don't worry, A. Just day-dreaming! A presto.

  12. Congrats, MG! ...and please let us know how did you like the novel.
    I'm really happy about Colin's prize: at last!
    Why I'm not surprised to find out that you've posted the same pic we've chosen for the congrats banner on Firthissimo? ;-)
    Hope to hear from you soon,

  13. @mrskarenblixen
    Firthissimo? I'll go and have a look. Thanks for commenting! Till very soon. Ciao!
