

Capri: "La vita è bella" or "La dolce vita"?

I haven’t had enough time to read the blogs I usually follow and I haven’t been commenting so much. Forgive me but , as I already told you, I am in Ischia at the seaside on holidays and … I am reading a lot, I managed to write reviews of the books I read, but nothing more. I’m enjoying the beach, the sea, the sun, the swimming-pool, evening walks and, today , I’ve even been on a one-day trip to CAPRI. YES, the island of the vips! I actually liked its natural beauties more than its glamour and saw know vip at all- apart from their photos on some of the shop-windows around the famous Piazzetta. Have you ever been there? No? Then , you can have a look at it in my slide.
These are just a few shots from today’s trip. Enjoy them.Justify Full


  1. Oh Maria Grazia! You are soo lucky to be there in paradise! Of course, I've been there before and wish to one day return. But you my dear are a lucky girl!

  2. The photos are BEAUTIFUL!!!

  3. Lucky you!!! All of them are beautiful, but the second one... oh, oh, oh!!!

    Here's a link to a song which reminds me of my youth. Baci

    Capri c’est fini

  4. @Ms Lucy, Kathryn, Elvira
    Thanks to all of you, girls! I know I'm very lucky. This is why I wanted to share some of my luck with you. I'm going to add some photos, if I can. Then back to the beach, but with my inseparable books. By the way, Elvira, thanks for the link. The song is very nice, a bit melancholic but with a beautiful melody.
