

Welcome to another great event! I must have already told you about this and I hope you don't mind if I repeat myself. I just want to explain the reason of my taking part in this giveaway hop.
I'm sure you know how much I love reading and collecting books. I know many people who are jealous of their books and, actually, I am quite jealous of  mine, too. However, what I love much more than to keep them on my shelves and dust them - I've got several hundreds of them kept in every room of my house and go on receiving new ones every day-   is to spread the love for books and reading. So,  to that purpose, I'm always glad to lend them to family and friends or give them away. Hence, more than"operation clean your shelf", which sounds something like "let's get rid of bad stuff", my contribution to this giveaway hop is more "let's spread the love"!

Many thanks to Inspired Kathy at  I Am A Reader, not A Writer for hosting this Giveaway Hop

Here's the list of books you can pick up your favourite one/ones from in no particular order:

1. Rosy Thornton, More than Love Letters
2. Georgette Heyer, The Masqueraders
3. Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After
4. Barbara Tiller Cole, Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy
5. Victoria Connelly, The Runaway Actress
6. Mary Lydon Simonsen, Mr Darcy's Bite
7.Karen Doornebos, Definitely Not Mr Darcy
8. Carrie Bebris, The Deception in Lyme

Here are the rules to enter this giveaway contest:

- If you are from Italy you can choose up to 3 books
- If you are from any other country, I'm afraid you can choose just 1
- Leave a comment adding your e-mail address + the title/s you've chosen + the country you are writing from

N.B: There will be two winners! One from Italy and one from the rest of the world!

This is a giveaway hop so the fun is in hopping here and there and visiting all the blogs involved. Great chances to win! Here they are:


Sophia Rose said...

Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

I would choose Karen Doornebos 'Definitely Not Mr. Darcy' if I were to win.

US resident
sophiarose1816 at gmail dot com

Ana Death Duarte said...

I would choose > Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After

I'm from Brazil ^^

Thanks for the giveaway =]]]

personaldeath (at) gmail (dot) com

Mystica said...

I'd like the Elizabeth Kantor book please.

I am from Sri Lanka.


Lúthien84 said...

Thank you Maria for the giveaway. I would like to enter it but I've got a few choices. Hope you don't mind if I list them down.

- The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After
- Definitely Not Mr. Darcy
- Mr Darcy's Bite

The real problem is if I were to be winner, then I have to choose only 1 book as I'm from Malaysia.


Natasha said...

I would love Mr. Darcy's Bite.
I am from the US. Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

aurora said...

Elizabeth Kantor, "The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After" is my desired title. Thank you for this amazing opportunity. I am from Zagreb, Croatia.
My e-mail is zora.brozina@gmail.com

Ashfa said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm form Sri Lanka.
I'd love Barbara Tiller Cole's Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy.


Josette said...

Hi there,

I'd like to choose Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After.

I'm from Malaysia. :)


Thanks for this giveaway!

Farhana Reads said...

Thank you for the giveaway! ;D

I'd choose The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After by Elizabeth Kantor. I live in Malaysia.


JuneA** said...

Thank you so much for "spreading the love"! (I LOVE that philosophy!!)

If I were lucky enough to win, I would like either Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After or Carrie Bebris, The Deception in Lyme.

I'm in the US!

Unknown said...

Mary Lydon Simonsen, Mr Darcy's Bite
Georgette Heyer, The Masqueraders.
I`m from Latvia.

my email - dita(dot)skarste(at)gmail(dot)com

Thanks for the INT giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

I would chose either The Masqueraders or Jane Austen's Guide

my email is: jude_sailormoon_gal@hotmail.com

I'm a Canadian Resident :)

maria said...

Thank you for this amazing giveaway!!!
I'd love to read "More than Love Letters", "The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After" and "The Runaway Actress". I'm from Italy!


Nuzaifa @ Word Contessa said...

I'd like Definitely Not Mr. Darcy.
I'm from Sri Lanka.
Thanks for the giveaway!


nrlymrtl said...

Deception in Lime

Thanks for the chance to win. I follow via email: nrlymrtl at gmail dot com

I live in the USA.

Alessia Carmicino said...

And here I am!
from Italy

this is my email address:
and these are my possible choices

1.Rosy Thornton, More than Love Letters
2. Georgette Heyer, The Masqueraders
3. Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After

I hope so much to win!:)

Anonymous said...

Grazie per questo giveaway e grazie di essere un'insegnante d'inglese :)
Io ho frequentato un liceo linguistico ed anche se l'università mi ha portata lontano dal mondo delle lingue straniere non sarei la stessa persona senza i professori che me le hanno insegnate.
Poter viaggiare o anche semplicemente stare dietro lo schermo di un pc e leggere notizie, esperienze ed opinioni di qualcuno che si trova dall'altra parte del mondo è qualcosa di prezioso.
E poi non so come farei se non potessi leggere molti dei miei romanzi preferiti in lingua originale!
Comunque scrivo dall'Italia ed i libri che mi piacerebbe vincere (incrociamo le dita!) sono The runaway actress, More than love letters e Masqueraders.

Rina said...

Either Deception in Lyme or More than Letters. Probably More than Letters since I've never read any fan fiction about North and South and I love that story.
I'm currently working in Rwanda and I can be reached at kentiapalm(a)g mail address
Thanks for the international giveaway!

laurie said...

. Georgette Heyer, The Masqueraders

and i live in canada


Kelli H. said...

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity! I would love to win The Runaway Actress by Victoria Connelly!:)
I am in the US.

Alina P said...

G. Heyer book
from Romania
alinutza4u2004 at yahoo.co.uk

Giada M. said...

Thank you for this lovely giveaway, Maria Grazia! :D Those are all books I haven't read yet, but I have a few on my wishlist. I would like to win:

3. Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After
6. Mary Lydon Simonsen, Mr Darcy's Bite
8. Carrie Bebris, The Deception in Lyme

I'm from Italy.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

thanks so much! great titles :)

I'd love:

Jane Austen guide to happily ever after
mr darcy bites
definitely nor mr darcy


aliasgirl at libero dot it

mon said...

I would love to get Definitely Not Mr Darcy. I'm from Philippines.

Thank you!


Aline Tobing said...

Hi, thanks for hosting this giveaway :)

I'd like to choose The Masqueraders, and I'm from Indonesia.


ZaraAlexis said...

I'd love a copy of THE JANE AUSTEN GUIDE...
I'm from Canada!

Zara Alexis


Liene said...

Posting from the US.... I would choose Definitely not Mr Darcy. Thanks for the chance! Liene @ LLucane at yahoo dot com.

tennille said...

Wish i was in Italy-2 feet of snow outside. posting from Canada. I would choose 3. Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After


wwcd 23 at yahoo dot ca

Jenn said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I am posting from the US
I would choose Definitely Not Mr Darcy

Unknown said...

I love everything about Pride and Prejudice and Elizabeth and Darcy. What should I pick? I think I would pick Mr.Darcy's Bite.

Thank u for this giveaway.

I'm from Indonesia.


Kristia said...

Great book choices!
I would love to win More than Love Letters by Rosy Thornton.
Thank you for making it international, I'm from Cyprus.


Hinata said...

Terima Kasih (thank you) for the giveaway :D
I choose Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After.
Im from Indonesia.

My Email : Hica_sama(at)yahoo(dot)com

oriana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
oriana said...

Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international!
i would love any book that you choose for me, a surprise would be great!
gfc: oriana
Im from Chile

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Thanks for this! So sad I can only get 1 book. I'd love any of the Austen inspired books! Thanks! I am from Malaysia!

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

lu said...

I' like Georgette Heyer, The Masqueraders :)
I am from Croatia.


Reviewing Shelf said...

Book by Elizabeth Kantor, please.


Anonymous said...

I'd like Rosy Thornton, More than Love Letters
I'm from Romania

botezatu_paula at yahoo.com

susied said...

Thanks for your giveaway.

I'd like to win a copy of Definitely not Mr. Darcy and I'm a US resident.


Texas Book Lover said...

I'm from the US and would pick either More than Love Letters or Definitely not Mr. Darcy.

Thanks so much!
mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

Enbrethiliel said...


That is a great selection! I'd choose The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer. Thank you!

altaemoeniaRomae [at] Gmail [dot] com
The Philippines

Na said...

I would like to read The Runaway Actress.


Allie said...

Thanks for the giveaway-I would pick The Masqueraders.


nurmawati djuhawan said...

thx 4 the international giveaway :)

i will choose : Mary Lydon Simonsen, Mr Darcy's Bite


chikojubilee at gmail dot com

kaewink said...

So many great book choices - I´d take Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After.

I´m from Austria

kewinkler at gmail dot com

andalene said...

Three books: More Love Letters, The Masqueraders and The Deception in Lyme.
Thanks so much - hoping to win some winter reads.

Lis said...

Thanks a lot for the chance!
Greetings from El Salvador!

lis.krkmo5 at mail dot com.
I pick Mr Darcy's Bite

Gigi said...

I would like to win More than Love Letter!

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm from El Salvador


Evil Queen said...

I choose Elizabeth Kantor, The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After

Name: Sary
Email: rbd1022@hotmail.com
Country: USA

Darlene said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd choose:
Mary Lydon Simonsen, Mr Darcy's Bite

GFC: Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Shelver506 said...

Definitely Not Mr. Darcy, please!

I'm in the US.

shelver506 at gmail dot com

mary ann(RunOnce828) said...

Victoria Connelly, The Runaway Actress

Thanks!! I love to go to Italy to see my Dad and Sister and Brother :))

maryanngacayan at yahoo dot com


sweety said...

Rosy Thornton,More than Love Letters!!

I'm from India.

Thanks for the international giveaway!!


Julie @ Read Handed said...

Hi! I would love to win Rosy Thornton, More than Love Letters. I live in the United States and my email address is readhandedlibrarian@gmail.com.

Thanks for this giveaway!

Gaabi Costa said...

I'm from Brazil and I'd love to win Victoria Connelly's The Runaway Actress!

Thanks for the giveaway!


corey said...

"Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy"

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read "More than Love Letters" very, very, much. A second I'd love would be "the Runaway Actress". I live in the U.S. so I know only 1 would be an option :)
What a great giveaway. Such a wide variety.
schafsue at gmail dot com

Michelle Fidler said...

Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy by Barbara Tiller Cole would be my choice. The Victoria Connelly book sounds good, too. I already have the book by Karen Doornebos.

U.S. resident


Susan said...

From the USA...Thank you for this great giveaway. i would love "Mr.
Darcy's Bite" (and it was hard to choose!).


Roxana Z. said...

I would love to have Rosy Thornton - More than Love Letters.
I'm from Romania.

Thank you for the giveaway!


Ruth said...

The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After.

Jenn said...

I would love to win either Definitely Not Mr. Darcy or Mr Darcy's Bite. Thank you for the giveaway.

illflyawayoneday said...

i would love to win definatley not mr darcy
email smc_manus at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to read Mr Darcy's Bite.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Anonymous said...

From USA, would love to receive Karen Doornebos, Definitely Not Mr Darcy.

Lona said...

Mary Lydon Simonsen, Mr Darcy's Bite.


blinkysthebest at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would choose The Masqueraders.
Thank you~
Bonnie Hilligoss/bonhill@speakeasy.net